Characteristics of Engaged Workforce
February 12, 2025
Introduction: Knowledge is Power Knowledge is power. This saying more than anything else captures the importance of knowledge in the contemporary digital economy and the knowledge economy. It is no longer enough to be the most strongest when the lubricant and catalyst of success is knowledge. This is the reason why organizations emphasize the fact […]
Why MNCs Need to Follow a Glocal Approach in Staffing of their Operations Overseas Unlike domestic firms that operate in their own countries, Multinational Corporations or MNCs that operate worldwide face several challenges in terms of staffing and other Human Resource Management (HRM) functions as they have to deal with cultural, legal, logistical, and strategic […]
With the advent of globalization, organizations – big or small have ceased to be local, they have become global! This has increased the workforce diversity and cultural sensitivities have emerged like never before. All this led to the development of Global Human Resource Management. Even those organizations who consider themselves immune to transactions across geographical […]
We often hear that so and so is an entrepreneur who has started his or her own business. It is also the case that when we hear the term entrepreneur, we tend to associate it with a person who has or is starting their own ventures or in other words, striking it on their own. […]
Development of a training program is the next step after the training need analysis has been conducted and there is a clear consensus on the need of training within the organisation. The next vital question to answer is whether the training should be conducted by an in house expert or from a consultant outside. Many […]
Employee engagement has been linked with almost every aspect of management in some or other form. Although there are not enough evidences to support a direct relationship between them but several factors show that they are indirectly connected with each other. In the same way, the hygiene and motivation factors have also been associated with employee management. In fact, they have proven to be dependable and unswerving predictors of the level of involvement and engagement of employees towards their jobs.
Motivation factors are intrinsic conditions that influence the level of employee engagement. They have the ability to satisfy one’s own psychological needs including sense of achievement, personal and professional growth, proficiency and status in the organization. The psychological fulfillment at any stage of an individual’s career plays a vital role in determining his or her involvements and commitment towards their work as well as the organization.
Hygienic factors, on the other hand, are considered the extrinsic conditions that motivate employees to perform their best and feel committed towards their work. The factors such as working conditions, organizational culture, remuneration, perks and benefits, job security and relationship with colleagues and subordinates and immediate supervisors play an important role and make them stay within the organization and grow with it.
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