Characteristics of Engaged Workforce
February 12, 2025
The cost of education in America is skyrocketing. It is for this reason that more American policymakers are looking at various options to reduce the costs. They are looking at different models which are being followed in other countries in the world. It is important to note that America is not the first country in […]
You may have the best of office, best of infrastructure, in fact the best of everything but if you have the habit of finding faults and cribbing, you will always remain stressed out and frustrated. A lot depends on the employees as well. Remember, one needs to learn to see the positive sides of life. […]
Management plays an important role in helping employees to prepare for the future. You need to motivate your employees not only to think about their present but also future. Make your employees realize the importance of taking future seriously. Organize various training programs and seminars which would help them upgrade their knowledge and sharpen their […]
Tough Times Need Tough People When the going gets tough, the tough get going. This is the simple message that has resonated across generations in response to the cyclical processes of life where victories are counterbalanced by setbacks and the future cannot be predicted with certainty. In other words, when the times are challenging as […]
While Pay Disparities are Natural, Biased Pay Systems are not In any organization, it is natural for different employees to be paid differently based on their abilities, seniority, experience, and value that they bring to the organization. Indeed, no organization can afford to pay all employees the same unless it is a Non Profit or […]
Employee engagement has been linked with almost every aspect of management in some or other form. Although there are not enough evidences to support a direct relationship between them but several factors show that they are indirectly connected with each other. In the same way, the hygiene and motivation factors have also been associated with employee management. In fact, they have proven to be dependable and unswerving predictors of the level of involvement and engagement of employees towards their jobs.
Motivation factors are intrinsic conditions that influence the level of employee engagement. They have the ability to satisfy one’s own psychological needs including sense of achievement, personal and professional growth, proficiency and status in the organization. The psychological fulfillment at any stage of an individual’s career plays a vital role in determining his or her involvements and commitment towards their work as well as the organization.
Hygienic factors, on the other hand, are considered the extrinsic conditions that motivate employees to perform their best and feel committed towards their work. The factors such as working conditions, organizational culture, remuneration, perks and benefits, job security and relationship with colleagues and subordinates and immediate supervisors play an important role and make them stay within the organization and grow with it.
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