Challenges in Employee Retention
February 12, 2025
Entrepreneurship Means Many Things Whenever we think of the terms, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs, there are several images that are conjured in the mind. For instance, the most common feeling is an individual or a set of individuals coming together to launch a new business with stars in their eyes and full of passion. Next, we […]
The term employee layoff is referred to as temporary separation of an employee from the employer. However, these days it is also used for permanent termination of an employee for business reasons. According to section 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, the employee layoff is the failure, inability or refusal of an employer to […]
Organizations play a crucial role in making employees multitasked. Individuals in most of the cases upgrade their knowledge while at work. You don’t need to burn a hole in your pocket and enrol yourself in special tuitions or classes to acquire new skills. Trust me, if you develop a sense of attachment towards the organization […]
Healthy relationship is the key to positive ambience at the workplace. Let us go through few relationship building skills. Be honest in your relationships. Never lie to people you are close to. The foundation of your relationship needs to be really strong if you are thinking of a successful and long term relationship. Be a […]
It is essential for managers to know what their employees expect from them and the organization. Let us find out what an employee expects from his managers and superiors: Every individual is hungry for recognition. A manager needs to acknowledge the hard work of employees and appreciate them in front of others. This way, employees […]
Employee Retention refers to the techniques employed by the management to help the employees stay with the organization for a longer period of time. Employee retention strategies go a long way in motivating the employees so that they stick to the organization for the maximum time and contribute effectively. Sincere efforts must be taken to ensure growth and learning for the employees in their current assignments and for them to enjoy their work.
Employee retention has become a major concern for corporates in the current scenario. Individuals once being trained have a tendency to move to other organizations for better prospects. Lucrative salary, comfortable timings, better ambience, growth prospects are some of the factors which prompt an employee to look for a change. Whenever a talented employee expresses his willingness to move on, it is the responsibility of the management and the human resource team to intervene immediately and find out the exact reasons leading to the decision.
Let us understand why retaining a valuable employee is essential for an organization.
The management must understand the difference between a valuable employee and an employee who doesn’t contribute much to the organization. Sincere efforts must be made to encourage the employees so that they stay happy in the current organization and do not look for a change.
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