Corporate Meetings
February 12, 2025
Perceptual illusion occurs when a stimulus is perceived inaccurately. It can equally be explained as a sensory distortion in scientific parlance. How to Describe Illusions? Illusions provide us important clues on the information processing capabilities of our brain. Even scientific investigations by way of empirical researches may have limitations because the information perceived by way […]
In order for businesses to run smoothly, risks need to be identified and managed. This is especially true in our increasingly volatile global economy. The risks involved, for example, in project management are different in comparison to the risks involved finance. This accounts for certain changes in the entire risk management process. However the ISO […]
Negotiation is defined as a discussion among individuals to reach to a conclusion acceptable to one and all. It is a process where people rather than fighting among themselves sit together, evaluate the pros and cons and then come out with an alternative which would be a win win situation for all. Sam wanted to […]
Netting is a procedure that is commonly used by organizations all over the world to reduce their counterparty credit default risk. However, in order for the netting procedure to be carried out, companies should have contracts in place prior to the default event taking place. There is another procedure called close-out which is closely related […]
What is Organization ? A common platform where individuals from different backgrounds, mentalities, educational qualifications, interests and attitudes come together to work towards a goal as well as earn bread and butter for themselves is called an organization. Every organization has a unique style of working often called its culture. Culture – The ideologies, beliefs […]
The resume acts as a bridge between you and the prospective recruiter. Hence the importance of a resume can never be underestimated. So, to make the first impression, it is imperative that your resume stands out from the crowd first.
It is up to you how do you want to be remembered by the hiring manager? Since companies do not have that much amount of time to interview each and every candidate, they require resumes from candidate to select the best ones to work with them.
Rejection happens, and it goes on and on until they find something interesting in one particular resume. This is the time when a well-structured, clean and precise resume plays its part.
You might be thinking why is it so important to have a resume? Let’s find out:
So, a well-written resume does half of the work for you here only. Hence it is very much important to have a structured and concise resume to make the first impression work for you.
Just imagine a small piece of paper talks so much about you including past, present, and future. Doesn’t that sound amazing? But remember this story of past, present and future needs to be conveyed quickly, else they will lose interest. So, this job of telling a short story can be little tricky. Hence you might need help in drafting your resume by professionals.
Before you appear for the face to face interview, your resume would convince them first that you are the most eligible candidate for the position offered or not. Now you must have understood what important role does a resume play for you.
To showcase your knowledge, your skills, experience, expertise, and accomplishments, it is necessary to have a perfectly written resume which can portray you as a good professional or a budding professional who is ready to face this challenging world.
For those who have no work experience so far and applying as a fresher, it is suggested that they talk about their projects, internships, industrial visits, trainings and additional value-added course in the summary section, so that even if a recruiter chooses not to go through the entire detailed resume, at least the summary section will be good enough for him to understand and gauge your worth as a candidate.
So, if you have a good resume, you will remember each and everything you have done and achieved in your professional career. It will happen if you keep updating your resume whenever you change a job and join a new company, whenever you get a new role, a new project, a new team to handle.
Take a note when the company is rewarding you for your work. That does not mean that you make your resume, a daily diary, just keep note of the important happenings in your professional front. And you can always edit your resume keeping the master copy with you. And remember even the greatest writer in the literary world need the help of the editor. You can read it, re-read it, proofread it ten times, but it is always good to take a second opinion.
A professional writer would understand your requirement, evaluate your work history, validate your educational background and articulate it in a better manner. So, there is no harm in taking professional help in making your resume a perfect one.
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