Common Barriers to the Successful Functioning of High-Performing Teams
February 12, 2025
Workplace ethics ensures employees are treated with utmost respect. It also leads to a sense of satisfaction among employees and they develop a feeling of attachment towards their respective organizations. The feeling of loyalty is a feeling which is seen in very few individuals. For them, going to work is the best source of earning […]
Why Spirituality and Business are not incompatible and what Buddhism can teach us? Often, we think that spirituality and business are mutually incompatible and hence, are separate and distinct means to ends. While the former preaches abstinence and rejection of worldly pleasures, the latter focuses on making money as the end to which all means […]
Loss of Trust and Faith and the Rise of Populists Public trust and faith in institutions is at an all time low. Starting with the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 in the United States and then the Sovereign Debt Crisis in Europe in 2009, including the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom, and the election […]
What is Politics ? Employees who do not believe in working hard depend on nasty politics to make their position secure at the workplace. Employees play politics simply to come in the limelight and gain undue attention and appreciation from the seniors. Politics refers to irrational behavior of the individuals at the workplace to obtain […]
Communication is indeed an effective tool which plays an important role in binding employees together. Communication plays a crucial role in breaking the ice among employees, bringing them closer to each other and thus managing organizational diversity. An individual may belong to any religion or community, but it is his/her power to communicate which helps […]
Employees are the assets of every organization and its success is directly proportional to the hard work every employee puts in. Individuals must work in a little different and smarter way than the others and always feel motivated to give their best.
Effort by a single team member goes unnoticed and every team member should contribute equally. Individuals must be aware what his fellow team members are working on and what he is supposed to do.
Team work and Team Building are essential in corporates to make the organization a better place to work.
One does not gain anything out of unnecessary conflicts. You can’t afford to fight with your colleague who sits next to you probably for 7-8 hours, five days a week.
We are not machines or battery operated devices, we are human beings and we need people to talk to and discuss various things. One cannot implement things on his own, he needs individuals who can work as critics and evaluate the pros and cons of his concepts.
Team Building activities bring employees closer and one feels happy to go to work daily. Individuals start enjoying their work and feel fresh the entire day.
Please go through two situations carefully:
Situation 1 - Michael worked with a leading organization and handled a team of five skilled team members. Michael made sure that he interacted with his team members almost daily. He even enquired about their family members and was always available to them. The team members had the liberty to come up with their issues on an open forum or write to him freely. No wonders his team members always appreciated their team leader and looked up to him. His team members never fought among themselves and willingly helped each other.
Situation 2 - Samuel on the other hand also had four individuals directly reporting to him. He always maintained a distance from them and never missed an opportunity to criticize or make fun of his team members. No employee was allowed to enter Samuel’s cabin without prior appointment. His team members hated their office like anything and preferred working from home just to avoid Samuel. No body was ready to help each other and everyone worked individually. Their team could never achieve their targets within the stipulated time and there was lots of negativity in their team.
Michael did nothing great. He just reassured his team members that he is always there for them and they can fall back on him anytime. Samuel never encouraged any team building activity and thus his team always suffered.
Team Building activities improve the relations and strengthen the bond among the employees. Every one strives hard to achieve a common goal.
Please refer to Michael’s example once again. His team members had the liberty to write to him anytime or freely discuss issues with him. There was never a misunderstanding among the team members as everyone knew what the other person was upto.
Team Building activities also reduce the chances of confusions, misunderstandings and in a way making the communication effective. Individual is very clear about his goals and objectives and what exactly is expected from him.
Team Building exercises also increase the trust factor among the employees. If you are sitting next to a driver, whom you don’t trust, you will always feel uncomfortable and will never be able to enjoy the ride. If you don’t trust your teacher, you can never learn anything from him. You need to trust people. Don’t always assume that your fellow employee will speak ill about you in front of your superiors. Trust him, you will feel relaxed.
The productivity increases when individuals work as a team. They tend to divide work among themselves and hence the objectives are achieved at a much faster pace. People take less leaves and concentrate more on their work and eventually the organization benefits.
Individuals feel more positive and confident at work. Stress disappears and it reflects on their work. Chances of mistakes reduce and people stop cribbing and blaming others. There is positivity all around. Allow team members to express themselves freely.
Being a “Hitler” at work will never give you extra points, instead you will find yourself in the bad books of other employees. No one will come to you, when you actually need them. People will be hesitant to support you and you can’t perform with enemies all around. Gone are the days when the word “boss” meant a terror to the employees. Now a days the team leader is also a part of a single team, just with some additional responsibilities. Learn to respect your colleagues.
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