Communication Theory – Meaning and Examples
February 12, 2025
Did you know that while in India or America a “Fantastic” or an “OK” sign is demonstrated by forming a circle with your thumb and forefinger. In Tunisia the same symbol means “I will kill you” and in Japan it means “money”? Kinesics or study of body language must be understood by all. Whether it […]
Here are few tips to ensure a great presentation… State the Objectives: A presenter must ensure that he/she understands the purpose of the presentation. Sometimes a good presentation fails to make an impact because the audience is not clear what the presentation is about. A good way to start a presentation is to clearly state/mention/include […]
A team is formed when individuals with a common goal come together on a common platform. The team members must complement each other and avoid silly conflicts among themselves. Communication plays a very important role in team building and extracting the best out of the team members. A team member must clearly understand what his […]
Download PPT for Complete Course on Maslow Need Hierarchy Model Total Slides: 49 Human behavior is goal-directed. Motivation cause goal-directed behaviour. It is through motivation that needs can be handled and tackled purposely. This can be understood by understanding the hierarchy of needs by manager. The needs of individual serves as a driving force in […]
The term ’Psychology’ has been derived from two Greek words ’Psyche’ which means life and ’logos’ which means explanation. Psychology as a social science scientifically studies the mind and behaviour, which influences our day to day lives, professional well being and our relationships with family members and society. Psychology as a social science has evolved […]
An individual might have an extremely pleasing personality, in depth knowledge of the subject, a good and a very strong network but if he doesn’t have effective communication skills, he fails to prove his worth and his charm and talent go simply unnoticed. A person without effective communication skills will never be able to carve his niche in this fierce competitive world.
Not every individual is born with good communication skills; it is inherited in due course of time as the individual passes through the various stages of life. Communication skill is an art which has to be mastered to make one’s presence feel, stand apart from the crowd and emerge as a strong leader in all facets of life.
Let us find out some easy steps which an individual can follow to improve communication skills.
Remember effective communication is a necessity in today’s challenging scenario and the above tips definitely go a long way in improving one’s communication skills.
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