Components of Commercial Value Chain
February 12, 2025
Perhaps the most frequently used and the most important type of processes in any company are the operational processes. These are processes which define the primary activities that a company needs to perform in order to successfully execute its business. It is very important to understand the concept of value stream and map the same […]
Enter Low and Middle End Segments of the Market It has been found that many multinationals find their sweet spot in emerging markets when they cater to the lower and the middle end of the market segments. In other words contrary to popular perception, multinationals find that selling to these segments is much better than […]
Organizations are decision-driven. The success or failure of each decision impacts a company’s strategy directly or indirectly. If organizational decision making is aligned with the right kind of artificial intelligence system, chances are that the performance of the organization will improve to a great extent. The alignment of human intellect with computerized decision support systems […]
Project Management is both an Art and a Science Project Management is both an art and a science. It is a science because project managers need to estimate budgets, draw up schedules, and manage costs and earn profits. It is an art because they have to ensure that the team gets along well and the […]
Imagine that you are running a small scale organization and have been in business for over five years. You have managed to streamline all processes online including purchasing, payroll, invoicing and accounting etc. It is quite likely that you will not have paid any thought to taking backup of your data on systems. Even if […]
In today’s information and communication age, there is a constant reference to information systems and management of information systems. In the digital age data, storage and retrieval are done through various systems and interfaces.
An information system, therefore, can be defined as set of coordinated network of components which act together towards producing, distributing and or processing information. An important factor of computer based information system is precision, which may not apply to other types of systems.
In a system, network of components work towards a single objective, if there is lack of co-ordination among components, it leads to counterproductive results. A system may have following features:
Common definition of information is data. However, data is no true information. Data gets its meaning and significance if only it is information. Information is represented with data, symbols and letters.
Information has following properties:
Information is represented with help of data, numbers, letters or symbols. Information is perceived in a way it gets represented. Decimal system and binary system are two ways of representing information. The binary circuits of computers are designed to operate under two states (0,1).
The way in which information is organized directly affect the way the information is managed and retrieved.
The simplest way of organizing information is through linear model. In this form, data is structured one after another, for example, in magnetic tapes, music tapes, etc.
In a binary tree model, data is arranged in an inverted tree format where it assumes two values.
The hierarchy model is derived from a binary tree model. In this model, branch can assume multi-value data, for example in the UNIX operating system this model is used for its file system.
The hypertext model is another way of organizing information; World Wide Web is an example of this model.
Random access model is another way of organizing information. This model is used for optimum utilization of available computer storage space. Here data is stored in specified location under direction of the operating system.
Information is networked through network topology. The layout of all the connected devices, and it provides virtual shape or structure to the network is known as network topology. The physical structure may not be representative of network topology. The basic types of topology are bus, ring, star, tree and mesh.
The above topologies are constructed and managed with help of Hubs, Switches, Bridges, Routers, Brouters and Gateways.
Security of information as well as an information system is critical. Data back-up is on the way through which Information can be made secured. Security management for network and information system is distinct for different setup like home, small business, medium business, large business, school and government.
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