Articles on International Business

This article introduces the module on international businesses with a brief discussion of the many facets of international businesses. This article sets the tone and the stage for a subsequent exploration of the concepts and themes of international businesses.

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Because of the stagnant growth in the economies of the West, western multinationals have found the emerging markets attractive to invest in and grow further. Hence, the future of the international businesses is clearly tied to the fortunes of the emerging markets.

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An accelerating trend among international businesses is the fight over the remaining resources of the world. Many international businesses now are actively engaged in competition over resources the implications of which can alter the geopolitical and economic landscape of the global economy.

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There are many reasons why companies expand internationally and this article discusses some of the reasons for this expansion. The focus of the article is on western companies since they have been engaged in expansion for centuries whereas the Asian companies have been doing this for a few decades.

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Some Global Corporations are more powerful than national governments and this trend is unhealthy from the social welfare and social justice perspective. There needs to be a moderation in the battle between global corporations and the underprivileged about the rights to have global rules versus the right of the state to care for its citizens.

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Globalization has contributed to worsening inequality and rising social tensions. Though globalization has succeeded in lifting millions of people out of poverty, the combination of inflationary growth, falling living standards, and the transfer of wealth to the top from the bottom has resulted in the process benefiting the few at the expense of the many.

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The ongoing global economic crisis has dealt a severe blow to international business. However, this article argues that the future of international businesses is not as bleak as it appears and if steps are taken to rein in unfettered and unrestrained growth and if better business practices are adopted, then we can witness a resurgence of international business.

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The global economic crisis rocked the very foundations of the global economy and the international businesses, which depended on trade, were hit badly. This article discusses the impact that the crisis had on the international businesses and the strategies employed by them to survive the downturn.

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Global Businesses are increasingly becoming targets of local resistance because of debates over whether they are exploiting resources or merely extracting them. The issue has become so serious that unless urgent steps are taken to evolve fair use, and just pricing mechanisms, the very ground (literally and metaphorically) on which they stand seems shaky.

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Emerging markets cities represent a huge opportunity for international businesses to expand their operations and grab their share of what has been termed the 10 Trillion Dollar Prize. This article discusses some of the challenges and possible strategies that international businesses have to contend with in their quest to operate in emerging market cities.

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The ongoing economic transformation of India and China is akin to the Industrial Revolution but on an accelerated timeline. CEO’s and Marketers can well pay heed to the experts to grab a share of the estimated $30 Trillion consumption market in these countries by 2025.

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The term Third World was used as a pejorative until the middle of the last century. The rebranded term emerging markets on the other hand is used with respect and awe by investors mainly due to the transformation of these economies in ways that trumped the conventional wisdom.

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International businesses have to learn to embrace the duality of the Oxcart coexisting with the Wal-Mart in emerging markets. This article discusses some strategies that international retailers can adopt to tackle the challenges that are unique to emerging markets.

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This article discusses some strategies that multinationals can follow in emerging markets. The key theme of this article is that the multinationals must strategize to achieve competitiveness by targeting the lower and middle end of the market, enter into mergers and acquire companies, and send top-notch talent as well as dig deep with their capital.

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International businesses face many risks when they operate in the developing countries. These risks are due to political factors, economic conditions, and societal structures. This article discusses these risks and analyzes the dangers faced by international businesses when operate in developing countries.

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A much-debated topic in recent months has been the issue of foreign direct investment. This article debates both the positive and negative aspects and suggests some steps that developing countries can take to emerge stronger rather than weaker after allowing foreign direct investment.

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This article discusses the types of foreign investment and its implications for the developing countries. The benefits as well as downsides of foreign investment are discussed and analyzed in this article. The key theme of this article is that policymakers in the developing countries must be cognizant of the benefits as well as the downsides before opening up their economies.

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This article discusses the benefits of foreign investment to the developing countries by examining some aspects that can ensure that these countries benefit from the exchange.

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This article debates the question posed in the topic statement and examines the examples of China and India and how they have approached the issue. The main theme of this article is that each country has specific factors that need to be taken into account and hence no single model is applicable to all countries.

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This article discusses the importance of development of infrastructure and basic services to support the international businesses. The key theme of the article is that the ecosystem of support services must be put in place to attract foreign investment.

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This article discusses some of the reasons why governments welcome foreign businesses. The key theme of the article is that the reforms process once started must not be derailed midway or the decisions overturned.

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This article discusses the harmonization of the global rules and the local regulations that international businesses have to actualize when they operate in markets across the world. The key theme in this article is that there are two sides of the debate as to whether international businesses compromise or whether the locals bow down to them.

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The global economy is controlled by the Fortune 100 companies and in particular, the top 10 corporations in the list. This article discusses the implications of such power on the workings of the global economy and calls for more social and environmental imperatives from the powers that be of international business.

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If the closing decades of the 20th century were spent in anticipation of the future, the present decade is characterized by the future arriving yesterday, which means that as soon as businesses get a grip on the present, they are confronted with ever more change.

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This article discusses the growth of the oligarchies and monopolies ever since the 1970s and highlights why they must be regulated and reined in or otherwise, consumers would be left with limited choices. The article also discusses the positive effects of oligarchies in the economy. The key theme in this article is that the regulators and the governments have an important role to play in ensuring that the oligarchies do not exceed their limits.

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Each day we wake up to breathless and dizzying change. Added to that is the turmoil and chaos from several intersecting trends that are shaking the world of business. Therefore, businesses and business leaders must strategize for a world that is topsy-turvy and this article discusses some attributes of the strategies that they can follow.

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This article discusses how innovation can be a game changer for businesses and society. The key theme in this article is that innovation can be a powerful catalyst for change in emerging markets, which can bypass the lack of basic facilities and instead, use innovative methods to solve their problems.

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This article explains the difference between the government-led and market-led innovation. It explains why economic innovation is better than centralized planning. It also clears common misconceptions about the issue.

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We have come a long way from the Industrial Revolution and the Present Digital Age is certainly revolutionary in terms of its impact on all walks of life. But, how different is Digital Innovation from the Industrial Innovation and whether the next wave of innovation would be disruptive and revolutionary? These are some of the issues that would be discussed in this article which seeks to inform and engage the reader with the progress of history and the changes of the present to the disruptions of the future.

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This article discusses the trend of cross border mergers and acquisitions and examines the factors that can help in actualizing successful deals as well as reasons for failure. The key theme in this article is that all stakeholders must do their due diligence before embarking on a cross border mergers and acquisitions.

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This article discusses how cultural differences between the East and the West can impact the cross border mergers and acquisitions between western multinationals and their eastern partners. The key theme in this article is that it is better for both parties to do their due diligence before venturing into the deal.

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Mergers and Acquisitions bring with them complexities of cultural incompatibility, different leadership styles, abrupt changes in compensation and reward system, and shedding off of extra workforce. An HR Consulting firm plays an important role in addressing all these issues.

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We often hear the term Due Diligence used in various contexts. So, what does it mean and why it is so important as well as how does it work? This article aims to discuss and explain these aspects through considering the various points that are part of the due diligence process. Apart from that, we also offer our suggestions as to why due diligence is important in any context including whether to decide to read this article.

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We often hear the term Due Diligence being used by corporate professionals and lawyers. What is Due Diligence and why is it so important? In addition, what is the process by which Due Diligence is done? Moreover, what should one watch out for when doing Due Diligence? These are some of the questions that would be addressed in this article along with a cautionary note about being excessively nosy and intrusive given the information overload that we are bombarded with.

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This article discusses the PPP (Public Private Partnership) model that has proven to be quite successful in developing countries. After discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the PPP models, the article favors their continuation because they are the way forward for the governments of the Third World countries that do not have the resources and the expertise to execute such projects all by themselves.

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This article discusses how the increasing urbanization of the world presents problems and challenges for the corporates. The key theme in this article is that the corporate sector has to evolve and find solutions to the problems without depending on the governments, which are beset by gridlock and a lack of will to solve the problems.

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This article discusses how international mediation and arbitration work in the corporate world. The key theme in this article is that with greater globalization, there is a corresponding increase in the number of cases that are referred to international bodies for mediation and arbitration.

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This article offers some perspectives on logistics management for international businesses and examines the case study of Apple in the manner in which the time to market has been efficiently designed. The key theme in this article is that global operations managers have to leverage the supply chain in such a manner as to minimize costs and maximize profits.

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This article discusses the falling fortunes of the global aviation industry and outlines some reasons for the sorry state of affairs. The key theme in this article is that though superficially the airlines seem to be doing rather well, the reality is otherwise as can be seen from the various examples cited in this article.

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This article provides an overview of some of the most ruthless labor practices being followed by Wal-Mart. It is an attempt to expose the wage slavery behind the guaranteed low prices promised by Wal-Mart.

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Whether we like it or not, cities are the future of the world, and hence, it makes for economic as well as social sense to build sustainable urban living systems. This can take the form of investors coming together with the governments to create metro rail, piped water supply, efficient garbage disposal, and affordable housing where they can profit from such ventures in addition to fulfilling their social responsibility and environmental conscience. This article examines these themes from multiple perspectives as well as examples from real-world global cities.

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In the life of businesses and individuals, there comes a time when they stagnate and wither away. However, this need not be inevitable and indeed, rejuvenation and reinvention are indeed possible for businesses and professionals when growth stalls and Midlife Crisis strikes. This article examines what businesses and professionals can do to avoid stagnation and decay and how they can find their Mojo again. Our advice is to look within rather than to external stimulators and one can find all the answers.

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This article explains China’s role in the conflict between United States and North Korea. It explains the degree of economic power that China holds over North Korea. It also explains why it is not in China’s best interests to resolve this conflict.

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The Digital Age is transforming all facets of our existence. This means that life and work as we know them are being transformed. In addition, technologies are enabling dramatic advances in medicine and surgery. Further, the very business model of corporates might change. Taken together, this herald a promising future which if handled improperly can lead to a perilous path ahead. Thus, it is our collective choices that would determine what the future would be like.

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