Managing Conflict in Interpersonal Relationship at Workplace
February 12, 2025
One can be an extremely hard working and intelligent worker, but to taste success in the fierce competitive world, one has to be a good and impressive communicator. In corporates; you will not get too many chances to win the confidence of your boss and fellow workers, you have to create a positive impression at […]
To deliver an effective presentation or speech, an individual has to take care of his communication and it has to be really impressive and effective. No one will really take the pains to listen to your ideas unless and until your communication is effective and impressive. Only speaking is not the solution, how you deliver […]
Communication is a process where the information flows from the sender to the receiver through some medium. Ted to Jenny over the phone – “I want the file on my table right after the lunch”. Jenny-“Oh god I am not clear what Ted wants and he has already hung up the phone”. Why did Jenny […]
The Glass Ceiling and the Persistent Problem of Gender Discrimination More often than not, corporates pay lip service to gender equality wherein they have a gender policy in place without much changing on the ground. Indeed, most corporates worldwide are mandated by the law to have a clear policy that deters sexual harassment at the […]
Conflict of interest scenarios are common in businesses where multiple parties are involved. In many cases, these conflicts are small and harmless. However, when it comes to insurance, some of these conflicts turn out to be serious. In this article, we will have a look at the various situations in which the different participants related […]
In today’s world nothing can be done all alone. We need people around who can help and guide us at the times of crisis. Remember conflicts and misunderstandings lead you nowhere. They are just a sheer waste of time and energy.
Individuals ought to be cordial with each other for peace at the workplace as well as in personal lives. Working together also reduces stress and frustration among employees. Human beings are not machines and we need trustworthy people with whom we can share our emotions and feelings.
A strong connection between two individuals with similar interests is often called as interpersonal relationship. Individuals compatible with each other often enter into a relationship.
Interpersonal Relationship model explains an individual’s outlook towards relationship and how one’s perception changes in due course.
Two people come together, like each other and enter into a relationship.
According to interpersonal relationship model, two directional components go a long way in creating an individual’s perception about relationships.
They are as follows:
Interpersonal Relationship Model describes above two directional components as per following criteria:
Assistive Polarity further consists of the following:
According to interpersonal relationship model, the degree of assistance and obstruction arise out of following:
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