Current Employment Trends and Their Implications for Business, Society, and Individuals
February 12, 2025
The Asian Juggernaut Aspiring entrepreneurs around the world have several opportunities both within their countries as well as in overseas destinations. With the opening up of many Asian economies, western entrepreneurs can now invest in countries such as China and India along with Indonesia and Thailand in addition to the latest entrants Vietnam and Cambodia. […]
What is a Value Driven HRM Approach and how can it be actualized in Practice? Values are everything when dealing with people. Without humane and compassionate approaches when dealing with employees, suppliers, fellow executives, and other societal and governmental stakeholders, people to people relationships become fraught with friction and introduce an element of tension. With […]
This is the hardcore fact that the future business performance and revenues and profitability of an organisation no longer depends upon traditional capital management and investment and portfolio management. But the success of any organisation in this constantly changing world of work depends upon human capital management. The companies who understood this fact long before […]
How Automation Leads to Transparency and Accountability in the Appraisal Process It would be an understatement to say that technology would be a game changer for all Human Resource Management (HRM) Processes. By automating the routine tasks and using data analytics as well as big data, HR Managers can ensure that the end to end […]
Learning encompasses a wide variety of terms and concepts. This article looks at the meaning of learning in an organizational context. The key point to note about learning in an organizational context is that unless employees continually learn and pick up skills, they would be left behind as well as eroding organizational competitiveness. Especially in […]
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. This is the simple message that has resonated across generations in response to the cyclical processes of life where victories are counterbalanced by setbacks and the future cannot be predicted with certainty.
In other words, when the times are challenging as the present economic crisis has shown us, those with the extra edge succeed. This edge can be obtained only by investing in oneself right from a young age and continuing to do so even in adulthood.
For instance, many young people find themselves out of jobs or unable to break into the crowded job market. With so much competition, it becomes apparent that only those with the special advantage can succeed. Therefore, one has to keep reinventing oneself to adapt to changing circumstances.
If you have a passion for writing or artistry and you are laid off from your day job, you can start a new career by following your passion and make money in the process as well.
Similarly, if you are working in the social sector, you can learn a new computer skill or a new tool that is cutting edge and when you feel that your present job is unviable, and then you can make the transition to other careers.
Investing in oneself starts from childhood, as it is better to catch them young and watch them grow by nurturing talent and skills.
When in college, do participate in extracurricular activities like debating, group discussions, and running journals as they equip you with the much needed people skills that would come in handy later on in life.
You must remember that people management determines the difference between success and failure in many careers. Hence, honing one’s people skills can lead to an advantage over others.
The next aspect, which is part of the people skills, is communication abilities. It is best to learn a new language other than English and the Mother Tongue, which would enable you to succeed in the global marketplace as those with supplementary language skills are an asset to many multinational companies.
The third aspect of investing in oneself happens on the job where it is best to mingle with your coworkers, try, and learn extra skills from them. This can give you an edge over others as you would have a repertoire of skills other than the primary skill that your job is based on.
If you are in university or postgraduate programs, you can hone your networking capabilities that would ensure that you have contacts across companies and sectors. When hunting for a job, these contacts come in handy as internal resume referrals are preferred by many companies.
Further, when in B-School or University, learn to enroll in diverse courses other than those connected with core management.
For instance, if you enroll in a human values and management course, or if you enroll in a history of business course, you can learn additional information and gain knowledge that would be useful later.
Finally, opportunity knocks only when there is a door or a gateway to success and hence, investing in oneself never goes waste.
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