Cultural Dimensions of Leadership
February 12, 2025
The CAS committee on Enterprise risk management has given the following definition of the same – ‘The discipline by which any organization in any industry assesses, controls, exploits, finances and monitors risk from all the sources for the purpose of increasing organizations short-term and long-term value to its stakeholders’. In simpler terms enterprise risk management […]
Decision making involves a great degree of value clarity, ethical decision making involves more! Unlike certain financial, inventory and production decisions, ethical decisions cannot be coded into digital machines. They require critical thinking and evaluation. What makes ethical decision making so difficult ? Why cannot ethical decisions be programmed like other decisions ? What leads […]
The modern multinational company is global in nature. This means that a lot of times work is sent overseas because it is simply cheaper to perform it there. In these cases, employees often lose their source of income even though they are not at fault. After such an event occurs, employees usually find it hard […]
Introduction A network society refers to the phenomenon related to the social, political, economic and cultural changes that have occurred due to the spread of the networks of digital and information technologies that have engendered the changes in the areas mentioned above. The rise of the network society has brought in its wake newer modes […]
The previous articles in this module discussed the ways and means of attracting diversity and how to recruit diverse teams. This article discusses how to manage diverse teams and to ensure that diversity is actualized in practice as opposed to merely paying lip service to the concept. Many organizations proclaim that they are committed to […]
Leadership and management are the terms that are often considered synonymous. It is essential to understand that leadership is an essential part of effective management.
As a crucial component of management, remarkable leadership behaviour stresses upon building an environment in which each and every employee develops and excels.
Leadership is defined as the potential to influence and drive the group efforts towards the accomplishment of goals. This influence may originate from formal sources, such as that provided by acquisition of managerial position in an organization.
A manager must have traits of a leader, i.e., he/she must possess leadership qualities. Leaders develop and begin strategies that build and sustain competitive advantage.
Organizations require robust leadership and robust management for optimal organizational efficiency.
Leadership differs from management in a sense that:
Leadership, on the other hand, is an art. In an organization, if the managers are required, then leaders are a must/essential.
Leadership sees and evaluates individuals as having potential for things that can’t be measured, i.e., it deals with future and the performance of people if their potential is fully extracted.
The organizations which are over managed and under-led do not perform upto the benchmark.
Leadership accompanied by management sets a new direction and makes efficient use of resources to achieve it.
Both leadership and management are essential for individual as well as organizational success.
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