Centralization and Decentralization
February 12, 2025
Planning is goal-oriented. Planning is made to achieve desired objective of business. The goals established should general acceptance otherwise individual efforts & energies will go misguided and misdirected. Planning identifies the action that would lead to desired goals quickly & economically. It provides sense of direction to various activities. E.g. Maruti Udhyog is trying to […]
Specialization – Organizational structure is a network of relationships in which the work is divided into units and departments. This division of work is helping in bringing specialization in various activities of concern. Well defined jobs – Organizational structure helps in putting right men on right job which can be done by selecting people for […]
Basis Recruitment Selection Meaning It is an activity of establishing contact between employers and applicants. It is a process of picking up more competent and suitable employees. Objective It encourages large number of Candidates for a job. It attempts at rejecting unsuitable candidates. Process It is a simple process. It is a complicated process. Hurdles […]
Supervisor, being the manager in a direct contact with the operatives, has got multifarious function to perform. The objective behind performance of these functions is to bring stability and soundness in the organization which can be secured through increase in profits which is an end result of higher productivity. Therefore, a supervisor should be concerned […]
Organizing is the function of management which follows planning. It is a function in which the synchronization and combination of human, physical and financial resources takes place. All the three resources are important to get results. Therefore, organizational function helps in achievement of results which in fact is important for the functioning of a concern. […]
Line organization is the most oldest and simplest method of administrative organization.
According to this type of organization, the authority flows from top to bottom in a concern. The line of command is carried out from top to bottom. This is the reason for calling this organization as scalar organization which means scalar chain of command is a part and parcel of this type of administrative organization.
In this type of organization, the line of command flows on an even basis without any gaps in communication and co-ordination taking place.
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