Centralization and Decentralization
February 12, 2025
DIRECTING is said to be a process in which the managers instruct, guide and oversee the performance of the workers to achieve predetermined goals. Directing is said to be the heart of management process. Planning, organizing, staffing have got no importance if direction function does not take place. Directing initiates action and it is from […]
Organizations are basically clasified on the basis of relationships. There are two types of organizations formed on the basis of relationships in an organization Formal Organization – This is one which refers to a structure of well defined jobs each bearing a measure of authority and responsibility. It is a conscious determination by which people […]
Organizing is the function of management which follows planning. It is a function in which the synchronization and combination of human, physical and financial resources takes place. All the three resources are important to get results. Therefore, organizational function helps in achievement of results which in fact is important for the functioning of a concern. […]
The organizing process can be done efficiently if the managers have certain guidelines so that they can take decisions and can act. To organize in an effective manner, the following principles of organization can be used by a manager. Principle of Specialization According to the principle, the whole work of a concern should be divided […]
There are a few guidelines in form of principles which can be a help to the manager to process of delegation. The principles of delegation are as follows: – Principle of result excepted This principle suggests that every manager before delegating the powers to the subordinate should be able to clearly define the goals as […]
Line organization is the most oldest and simplest method of administrative organization.
According to this type of organization, the authority flows from top to bottom in a concern. The line of command is carried out from top to bottom. This is the reason for calling this organization as scalar organization which means scalar chain of command is a part and parcel of this type of administrative organization.
In this type of organization, the line of command flows on an even basis without any gaps in communication and co-ordination taking place.
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