Role of Managerial Communication at Workplace
February 12, 2025
In today’s world nothing can be done all alone. We need people around who can help and guide us at the times of crisis. Remember conflicts and misunderstandings lead you nowhere. They are just a sheer waste of time and energy. Individuals ought to be cordial with each other for peace at the workplace as […]
An organization is formed when individuals from different backgrounds and varied interests come together on a common platform and work towards predefined goals and objectives. Employees are the assets of an organization and it is essential for them to maintain the decorum and ambience of the workplace. What is Organization Ethics ? The way an […]
Literally speaking, risk management is the process of minimizing or mitigating the risk. It starts with the identification and evaluation of risk followed by optimal use of resources to monitor and minimize the same. Risk generally results from uncertainty. In organizations this risk can come from uncertainty in the market place (demand, supply and Stock […]
The traditional approach towards administration has been limited in its scope and premise, the core of which was strict adherence to laid down rules and hierarchy. In essence it has limited the role administration to that of a fire fighter or overseer of law and order in the comfort of laid down principals. While, nothing […]
Employees are the biggest asset of an organization. In today’s scenario of cut throat competition, individuals need to work together as a team and also strive hard to deliver their level best. Negative feelings like jealousy, ego and so on have no place in the professional world. Let us go through some tips to strengthen […]
An individual needs to possess certain skills for effective managerial communication.
Let us go through various skills required for effective managerial communication:
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