Managerial Economics can be defined as amalgamation of economic theory with business practices so as to ease decision-making and future...
Read moreManagerial Economics deals with allocating the scarce resources in a manner that minimizes the cost. As we have already discussed,...
Read moreManagers study managerial economics because it gives them insight to reign the functioning of the organization. If manager uses the...
Read moreManagerial Economics is basically a blend of Economics and Management. Two branches of economics i.e. micro economics and macro economics...
Read moreEconomic principles assist in rational reasoning and defined thinking. They develop logical ability and strength of a manager. Some important...
Read moreA managerial economist helps the management by using his analytical skills and highly developed techniques in solving complex issues of...
Read moreWhat is Demand? Demand for a commodity refers to the quantity of the commodity that people are willing to purchase...
Read moreJust like the law of demand, the law of supply also explains the qualitative relationship between price and supply. Qualitative...
Read moreLike price elasticity of demand, price elasticity of supply is also dependent on many factors. Some of these factors are...
Read moreWhat is Seasonal Demand ? Marketing is the process of meeting needs that are both existing as well as unmet....
Read moreHistorical Development of Business Economics For much of the 20th century, if you had wanted to study business management, you...
Read moreWhat is Fractional Reserve Banking ? If you are entrepreneur setting up your own business, you need to understand how...
Read moreWhat is a Reserve Currency ? The term reserve currency means that it is the currency that is used by...
Read moreWhat is Capital Account Convertibility ? Capital Account Convertibility means that the currency of a country can be converted into...
Read moreWhat is the Informal Economy or the System D? We see them everywhere and we even do business with them...
Read moreThe Recent Currency Wars The recent drop in the value of several emerging market currencies coupled with the fact that...
Read moreThe Oil based Paradigm and its Impact on Businesses and Societies The whole edifice of society is built on energy....
Read moreThe Other Causes of the Present Recession We all need to grow in order to survive and progress through our...
Read moreVenture Capitalists as Incubators of New Start-ups Venture capitalists or Angel investors are entities and individuals who fund startups and...
Read moreIt is not a Flat World After All The famous cheerleader for globalization, Thomas Friedman, called the current day world...
Read moreRecent Developments in Europe In recent months, the world has witnessed unprecedented flows of refugees and migrants from the conflict...
Read moreHow Labor Laws and Employment Rules Impact Managers The nature of the employment rules and the governmental policies that regulate...
Read moreWhat is Deregulation and how does it Work ? Deregulation is the phenomenon wherein governments signal their intention to leave...
Read moreThe Perils of Political Instability and Uncertainty If there is one thing that business leaders and entrepreneurs hate that is...
Read moreInflation and What it Means for Consumers We all would have heard the term inflation and most of us would...
Read moreHow Rising Oil Prices Cause Inflation It is a fact of business that increases in the prices of raw materials...
Read moreThe Metaphor of the Animal Spirits to Describe the Markets For those of us who observe the financial markets gyrate...
Read moreThe Debate between Neoliberalism and Socialism An ongoing debate in the United States and in Europe is whether there must...
Read moreSlowdown in China There has been a noticeable slowdown in the Chinese economy over the last few months. Coupled with...
Read moreThe Age of Austerity The gloomy economic conditions all over the world have prompted governments to cut back on social...
Read moreHyperinflation is what, in layman terms can be called as the economic equivalent of doomsday. Modern societies have become more...
Read moreThe common perception amongst lay people is that hyperinflation is the economic equivalent of a doomsday. True, that the consequences...
Read moreThe relationship between inflation and the government’s stance on the issue is filled with obscurity and confusion. There have been...
Read moreThe definition of inflation has undergone a subtle change across the ages. Economists earlier used to define inflation in a...
Read moreWe discussed the definition of inflation in a lot of detail in the previous article. The previous article was meant...
Read moreThe wrong definition of inflation has caused a lot of harm to modern day nations as well as their economies....
Read moreThere is a general saying in the business world, “What cannot be measured cannot be managed!” This is true of...
Read moreThere is a general saying in the business world, “What cannot be measured cannot be managed!” This is true of...
Read moreIn the previous couple of articles, we listed down the problems with the procedure used to collect numbers related to...
Read moreIn the previous few articles, a series of arguments has been made as to why the current way we use...
Read moreEconomists may argue on many things. However, they all agree on one thing i.e. the biggest possible economic nemesis that...
Read moreThe change in the definition of inflation has caused a lot of confusion. A prime example of this confusion is...
Read moreWe have already ascertained that inflation is a hidden tax. It is a discretionary power that governments have at their...
Read moreIf economist Karl Marx were alive today, he would have famously proclaimed that his assertion was correct. He once famously...
Read moreIn the previous many articles, we have been discussing a lot about the various concepts of inflation. We have understood...
Read moreWe often hear the term inclusive growth in the papers and in various media where experts pronounce that while growth...
Read moreWhy are Some Countries more advanced than the others ? Why are the Western countries more advanced than many Asian...
Read moreWhat is Supply Side economics ? Supply side economics is that branch of economics that deals with production of goods...
Read moreWhat is the Uber Economy ? We all have heard if not used the services of the app based ride...
Read moreUber is the most valuable startup in the world today. It is valued at $51 billion which is more than...
Read moreThe 24/7 Real Time Global Marketplace Makes Firms Live for the Moment The present global marketplace as well as regional...
Read moreSaving money has historically been considered to be a virtue. Perhaps, it was the most important one with the most...
Read moreThe world has witnesses the rise and fall of many great economic empires. It is safe to say that we...
Read moreHow the Sharing Economy Looks Like ? Anybody who has hired an Uber cab or a cab from any other...
Read moreImagine a fund with so much money that it held 1% of all the equity from all the stock exchanges...
Read moreThe global financial system is in the middle of a manufactured boom. Earlier, the economies would boom on their own...
Read moreThe economic paradigm has always been defined as the battle between the haves, and the have-not’s i.e. the “rich” and...
Read moreCorruption is a serious problem in many countries in the world. The world’s fastest growing economy India has taken a...
Read moreAirlines are a tough cut-throat business. A large number of airlines across the world are making losses, and others are...
Read moreThe most fundamental question in economics is the determination of the price of any good or service, i.e., the question...
Read moreSovereign debt is regularly in the news even though we may not realize it. Several poor countries keep defaulting on...
Read moreFossil fuels are considered to be the biggest environmental hazards of our time. The biggest objective of several global organizations...
Read moreThe Backlash against Immigration The issue of immigration has been in the news lately for all the wrong reasons. Starting...
Read moreEconomics is not a natural science. Instead, it is a social science. This means that there are no perfect and...
Read moreJohn Maynard Keynes once said that saving money is an individual virtue but a societal vice. This has been the...
Read moreEver since quantitative easing has been implemented as a mainstream policy, Central banks have had to fend off charges that...
Read moreThe liquidity trap is a concept which is believed by some economists whereas it is not believed by the others....
Read moreUber has recently launched an Initial Public Offer (IPO). The company is trying to sell $10 billion worth of shares...
Read moreThe word deflation has an extremely negative connotation in economic circles. Modern day economists portray deflation as the situation which...
Read moreWhat is the Law of Diminishing Returns and why we are Regressing Progressively? Economics is a fascinating subject that helps...
Read moreWhat is the McKinsey Model of Internal Democracy and How it Works and its Advantages The famous business consulting firm,...
Read moreHow Economies Work Best When Free Market Forces are Truly Free and Fair According to Economic Theories, Free Market Economies...
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