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Crisis refers to a sequence of unwanted events leading to major disturbances at the workplace.

It triggers a feeling of insecurity and fear amongst the employees.

Crisis causes major harm to the organization and poses a threat to its reputation and brand image.

Let us go through various ways of managing stress during crisis:

  • Once a crisis is being detected, employees should immediately jump into action. Do not panic. Getting hyper and nervous never lead to any solution; instead make the situation all the more worse.

  • It is essential for the individuals to stay calm at the times of crisis. One should not react over petty issues. Remember a calm and composed individual can take better decisions than a stressed one.

  • Help your fellow workers during emergency situations. Dont lash out at others under pressure. Criticizing others at the workplace is just not professional. Try to understand what the other person has to say. Employees find it difficult to think logically under stress.

  • One should always look at the brighter sides of things. Adopting a negative attitude goes a long way in increasing stress among individuals. Don’t take things to heart. It is best to ignore minor issues.

  • Job mismatch and overlapping of duties lead to stress during emergency situations. Roles and responsibilities must be clearly defined as per the specialization of employees during crisis. Every one should be very clear as to what is expected out of him.

  • Make individuals work as a team. Individuals working alone are generally overburdened and eventually more stressed out. Let them work together and share ideas on various topics. Speaking out and discussing issues reduce the stress level at the workplace.

  • It is absolutely okay to take short breaks at work even during emergency situations. Human beings are not machines who can start and stop working just at the push of a button. They need time for themselves. Working at a stretch can lead to fatigue and eventually individuals lose interest in work. Short tea and snack breaks are necessary to reduce stress. During these breaks employees get time to interact with each other.

  • Make necessary arrangements for individuals working at night. It is important for them to feel comfortable at the workplace. Make sure individuals get dinner on time for them to deliver their level best. There should be proper restrooms and places where employees can take a nap.

  • Light music also reduces stress to a large extent. Ensure the office is adequately lit. Dark cabins and suffocated rooms increase stress and lead to a negative ambience at the workplace.

  • Encourage necessary motivation programs for the employees to make them face tough times with determination and courage.

  • Make sure employees do not feel insecure during emergency situations. It is better to act immediately as per the situation rather than complaining and cribbing. One should never lose hope even in the worst conditions.

  • Appreciating the hard work of employees motivates them to perform better every time. Each employee should get his /her due credit. Employees should stay away from blame games and nasty politics. Such activities are considered highly unproductive and lower the morale and self confidence of the employees.

  • Employees should be heard. Ignoring individuals results in stress and affects their performance.

  • Don’t try to do all things together. Adopt a step by step approach. Plan your work well. Managing time effectively also reduces stress.

Article Written by

MSG Team

An insightful writer passionate about sharing expertise, trends, and tips, dedicated to inspiring and informing readers through engaging and thoughtful content.

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