What is Customer Satisfaction ?
February 12, 2025
What is Competitive Advantage? It is a truism that strategic management is all about gaining and maintaining competitive advantage. The term can be defined to mean “anything that a firm does especially well when compared with rival firms”. Note the emphasis on comparison with rival firms as competitive advantage is all about how best to […]
Over the years, the retailers have adopted several unique strategies and ways of dealing with the challenges. We shall briefly discuss the two major strategies adapted by the international retailers in their areas of global operations. Differentiation by Unique Customer Experience Some of the features that highlight the international retailer product is the standardization in […]
For a given company, there can be variety of product and services under different brands. Brand-product matrix is used to better understand current offering of the company. This matrix helps companies understand product line (product category) and brand portfolio (brands for different products). Similarly, brand hierarchy concept helps companies understand association among offered brands. Brand […]
An organization should understand that response is the key towards creating quality relationship with customers and nurturing the future business depending upon the customer’s perception and senses determined from the response. Response creates a channel of interaction that can enhance business relationship which will be mutually beneficial. This is only possible when the responses from […]
What is Retailing? The sale of products to the customers from a fixed location (malls, department stores, super markets and so on) in small quantities for their end use is called as retailing. Coupons play an important role in promoting the retail stores and making the brand popular amongst the masses. What are Coupons? Any […]
The responses can be provided through any of the following media:
Hence it is important that the supplier should pay full attention towards the customer. If in between he receives any call or indulges himself in other works, then it creates an indication to the customer that he is unwanted or the supplier does not want to attend him efficiently. Such a thing creates negative or wrong feelings in customer’s mindset towards the supplier and acts as a staggering block in future business relationship.
It is also seen that most of the senior members of the organization does not find any time to interact with the customers face to face which is not the correct approach as customers are the key revenue generators of business and attention should always be given to them to understand their needs and make them satisfied.
The way the suppliers present themselves during a face to face conversation or interaction reflects their sincerity and commitment to the customers. In case they fail to provide such interaction, they may have to pay a heavy price both in short as well in long run.
Sometimes the supplier does not want to entertain the calls from aggressive and irritating types of customers. This could also happen when the supplier has any sort of commitment with the customer which he is not fulfilling due to some unrealistic reasons. By doing this the situation does not tend to solve but aggravates in course time. The key is to talk to them and explain the actual situation and reasons by taking them into confidence. By doing this the customer will always think that supplier is promptly attending his calls and is concerned about him.
It is also important to interpret the purpose of the caller, what the customer is actually asking for and then after patiently listening and analyzing the facts a correct and satisfied response must be provided. If the details asked by the customer over a call are not answerable instantly, then the call can be hung up by telling that details will be provided to him as soon as possible. Thereafter it is necessary to take those points of customer’s queries into consideration and analyze those to come up with exact details. These details should be provided to him by calling him again. Efficient telephonic interaction always pays off when responses are given effectively.
The advantage of written communication over face to face and telephonic communication is that it is least misinterpreted as it is saved and can be read many times. But the disadvantage is that it lacks in total communication. Hence it is always important to send the written response in details so that any of the relevant point is not omitted in the response.
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