Benefits of Participative Management
February 12, 2025
Tough Times Need Tough People When the going gets tough, the tough get going. This is the simple message that has resonated across generations in response to the cyclical processes of life where victories are counterbalanced by setbacks and the future cannot be predicted with certainty. In other words, when the times are challenging as […]
What are a Career Path and a Career Map and Why Employees Need Such Plans Professionals join organizations in the knowledge that their career progress and journey through the organizational life would be guaranteed over the course of their stints in them. In other words, unless jobseekers know that they would be in such and […]
The HR policies and procedures manual and employee handbook form the backbone of an organization. These documents consist of all the details regarding the treatment to be given to the employees in the organization and help the employees in recognizing the culture of the organization. The HR policies and procedures manual is complied first and […]
When one writes about executive compensation, the thought of jet setting CEO’s who enjoy luxurious lifestyles and live in gardened villas at the company’s expense comes to mind. While the stereotypical image of a CEO enjoying such extravagance is indeed true to a certain extent, there is more to the topic of executive compensation. For […]
It is essential for individuals to be assertive and speak their mind without being rude and aggressive. Do not say a yes to others if you do not agree to what they are saying irrespective of their designation and level in the hierarchy. Remember, as an individual, you have all the rights to express your […]
Participation of workers in decision-making process has resulted in successful value creation in many organizations. Though the extent to which employees should participate in organizational decision making is still a matter of debate. Some say that workers’ union should participate with management as equal partners while some believe in restricted or bounded participation, that is, participation of employees or workers to a limited extent. However, there are a number of ways through which employees can participate in decision-making process of any organization.
Employees can participate in organizational decision making through various processes mentioned above. However, there are other ways such as financial participation, Total Quality Management, participation through empowered teams and joint committees and councils through which they can contribute their share in making the organizations a better place to work.
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