Why Making CSR Outcomes Part of Performance Appraisals Helps Organizations
February 12, 2025
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Trainings help employees enhance their capabilities and acquire new learnings, skills and knowledge. Trainings help employees come up with unique and innovative ideas, meet targets within the desired time frame and make them efficient resources for the organization.
One needs to understand that lot of time, money and energy go in designing training programs for employees. Managers need to understand where all their team members are lacking and need improvement. One needs to be very clear how training programs would benefit the employees.
Managers need to sit with human resource professionals and design specific training programs keeping in mind the needs and requirements of employees. Training programs conducted just for the sake of it yield no results.
Training programs should not only be designed for existing employees but also for new candidates.
Let us go through various training methods at the workplace:
Induction Training - Induction training is often given to new employees to make them feel a part of the organization. How do you think an individual can perform if he/she is not familiar with the policies and rules and regulations of the organization? You can’t expect an individual to deliver results on the first day itself. You need to welcome your employees well for them to feel motivated and comfortable.
Induction programs need to be designed sensibly. Too much of information on the day of joining will frighten the new employee and believe me, he/she will not come from the next day onwards.
Induction programs help new employees to get acquainted with the work culture and fellow workers. Induction programs need to be short, crisp but informative.
Refresher Training - Refresher trainings are designed for existing employees to refresh them and also help them acquire new skills and technologies to keep pace with the changing times. Such training programs prepare employees for more responsible positions.
On the Job Trainings - On the job trainings are given to employees at the workplace itself by their superiors and Bosses. Managers ought to sit with their team members on a regular basis, train them on new technologies, skill sets to help them cope with the changes.
On the job trainings are given to employees along with their jobs itself and make them capable to handle bigger responsibilities.
On the Job trainings are imparted by any of the following methods:
Employees need to be encouraged to go through various online learning sites which would help them in their current job responsibilities. One needs to be aware of the latest developments in his/her domain. Reading helps a lot.
Off the job Training - Off the job trainings are given outside the workplace.
Off the job trainings can be provided by any of the following methods:
Management Games and Role Plays train employees to deal with critical problems and teach them to find innovative solutions.
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