MSG Team's other articles

9222 Ethics in Sales and Marketing

Markets present a clash of interest between various players. There is competition for resources, customers and price etc, which breeds ground for activities that may not get ethical sanctions. A certain code of conduct, policies and practices called ethics are required to manage markets and marketing. Marketing is the heart of all businesses and all […]

10653 Role of Planning in Time Management

Time Management plays an essential role in corporates and helps employees to finish off assignments on time. Doing the right thing at the right time is called Time Management. It is essential for an individual to value time as time once lost never comes back, no matter how much money you spend. An individual who […]

12983 Critical Success Factors for Virtual Teams

With more organizations realizing the higher ROI associated with the virtual work environment, virtual teams are scoring over traditional teams. The business case for virtual teams talks about the cost savings, leveraging global talent, increase in productivity and higher profits. Virtual teams improve the bottom line of the business. Just like a tree gives tasty […]

10907 Reasons for Resistance to Change

Change is an important and an indispensable part of the organizational life. It is all pervasive and hence comes the question of paying attention to the importance of building the coping and adaptive mechanisms of an organization for being current and competitive in the contemporary scenario. The phrase “Resistance to Change” is discussed hand to […]

9310 Fiedlers Contingency Model

Fred E. Fiedler’s contingency theory of leadership effectiveness was based on studies of a wide range of group effectiveness, and concentrated on the relationship between leadership and organizational performance. This is one of the earliest situation-contingent leadership theories given by Fiedler. According to him, if an organization attempts to achieve group effectiveness through leadership, then […]

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Motivation seems to be a simple function of management in books, but in practice it is more challenging. The reasons for motivation being challenging job are as follows:

  1. One of the main reasons of motivation being a challenging job is due to the changing workforce. The employees become a part of their organization with various needs and expectations.

    Different employees have different beliefs, attitudes, values, backgrounds and thinking. But all the organizations are not aware of the diversity in their workforce and thus are not aware and clear about different ways of motivating their diverse workforce.

  2. Employees motives cannot be seen, they can only be presumed. Suppose, there are two employees in a team showing varying performance despite being of same age group, having same educational qualifications and same work experience. The reason being what motivates one employee may not seem motivating to other.

  3. Motivation of employees becomes challenging especially when the organizations have considerably changed the job role of the employees, or have lessened the hierarchy levels of hierarchy, or have chucked out a significant number of employees in the name of down-sizing or right-sizing.

    Certain firms have chosen to hire and fire and paying for performance strategies nearly giving up motivational efforts. These strategies are unsuccessful in making an individual overreach himself.

  4. The vigorous nature of needs also pose challenge to a manager in motivating his subordinates. This is because an employee at a certain point of time has diverse needs and expectations. Also, these needs and expectations keep on changing and might also clash with each other.

    For instance-the employees who spend extra time at work for meeting their needs for accomplishment might discover that the extra time spent by them clash with their social neds and with the need for affiliation.

Article Written by

MSG Team

An insightful writer passionate about sharing expertise, trends, and tips, dedicated to inspiring and informing readers through engaging and thoughtful content.

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