Classical Theories of Motivation
February 12, 2025
An individual alone can’t create wonders. He needs the support of others as well to discuss things and evaluate the pros and cons of his thoughts and concepts. Individuals should work together without fighting with each other for the timely accomplishment of a task. The team members must be focused and concentrate on their work […]
The pioneering scholar of the theory of decision making in organizations, was Herbert Simon. He was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and was one of the most celebrated political scientist, economist, sociologist and also a psychologist. His body of work covers topics from administration to cognitive psychology to artificial intelligence. He was awarded the Nobel Memorial […]
A strong association between individuals sharing similar interest and goal is called as interpersonal relationship. It is important to have trustworthy colleagues around at the workplace. One needs to know how to interact with fellow workers. Let us go through some interpersonal skills an individual needs to inculcate for a healthy relationship with coworkers. Stay […]
When an individual or a company takes an insurance policy, the risk that they are indemnifying themselves against is very clear. For instance, if a person takes insurance on their car, then both parties know exactly what the insurable interest is i.e. the car. However, this is not the case with reinsurance policies. This is […]
One can be an extremely hard working and intelligent worker, but to taste success in the fierce competitive world, one has to be a good and impressive communicator. In corporates; you will not get too many chances to win the confidence of your boss and fellow workers, you have to create a positive impression at […]
Motivation seems to be a simple function of management in books, but in practice it is more challenging. The reasons for motivation being challenging job are as follows:
Different employees have different beliefs, attitudes, values, backgrounds and thinking. But all the organizations are not aware of the diversity in their workforce and thus are not aware and clear about different ways of motivating their diverse workforce.
Certain firms have chosen to hire and fire and paying for performance strategies nearly giving up motivational efforts. These strategies are unsuccessful in making an individual overreach himself.
For instance-the employees who spend extra time at work for meeting their needs for accomplishment might discover that the extra time spent by them clash with their social neds and with the need for affiliation.
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