Components of Performance Management System
February 12, 2025
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In the era of cut throat competition and globalization, organizations have realized the importance of strategic HR practices for gaining a competitive edge over the competitors. A well designed performance management system can play a crucial role in streamlining the activities of the employees in an organization for realizing the ultimate corporate mission and vision. Performance management is a useful tool for aligning all the major organizational functions and sub functions so that the focus is directed towards attainment of the organizational goal.
Performance management is a much broader system as it is linked with the processes of planning, implementing, reviewing and evaluating, for augmenting growth and productivity at both the individual and organizational level.
By clearly defining both individual and team based responsibilities in the form of KRA’s as well as by creating an understanding of shared mutual accountabilities, a good performance management system enables, empowers and facilitates the development of staff members.
Managing the performance of the employees is one of the toughest challenges which the organizations are facing today as this completely depends upon the employee’s commitment, competence and clarity of performance.
If managed efficiently through a well planned reward practice and feedback mechanism, a performance management system can serve as an important tool for employee motivation and development.
The need for the introduction of a robust system of performance management was felt during the period when the traditional performance appraisal mechanism started failing and its limitations were surfacing up.
The performance appraisal system of the earlier period was missing objectivity as the diameters or the parameters for measuring performance were not clearly specified and the focus was on traits instead on behaviors or measurable targets. As a result, the employee’s morale and motivation to work was adversely affected due to an absence of a transparent feedback mechanism and lack of employee involvement in the entire process of appraisal.
A performance management system overcomes the drawbacks of the traditional performance appraisal system by maintaining a futuristic approach instead of assessing the past contributions of the employees for evaluating the performance of the employees.
Performance management is a strategic tool and is holistic in nature as it pervades in every activity of the organization which is concerned with the management of individual, team and the overall organizational performance.
The process is indispensable and very important for an organization as it is concerned with establishing a culture in which the individuals and teams can excel by continuously improving in terms of skill sets and the business processes.
Performance management facilitates improvement of quality of relationship amongst the members of the organization by encouraging sharing of expectations and building a climate of openness and mutuality.
The significance of performance management has grown in recent times because most of the organizations are giving a lot of importance to employee development and talent management.
The contemporary organizations are working towards grooming the competencies of the employees for maintaining a leadership in the competitive market and performing outstandingly.
Arvind Mills of Lalbhai Group, realized the importance of strategic HRM practices and the implementation of a pro active performance management system in their organization after facing serious threats from the business competitors.
The company created a Manpower Planning and Resource Group which took the charge of preparing job descriptions and structuring the jobs for the employees and was responsible for implementing the recruitment and selection procedures.
An innovative online recruitment system was introduced which was known as Selection Information System, for fixing interviews, generating call letters, etc. This system was linked with the Compensation Information System and Training Information System. The training requirements of the employees were taken care by the Management and Organizational Development Group.
The company also introduced MBO system, for setting smart goals for the employees which may motivate them for a superior performance.
Performance management has attracted the attention of many organizations and in the near future its importance will still grow as it will become more integrated with the processes like talent management, career management, pay based on performance, development and talent management.
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