Articles on Negotiation

Negotiation is essential in every walk of life for a peaceful and stress free living. Let us go through various models of negotiation.

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Negotiation is essential everywhere. It is not only the corporates where negotiation is important but also in our daily life. Let us understand how negotiation is important in daily life with the help of an example.

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An individual needs to adopt certain skills for an effective and successful negotiation. Let us understand these skills in detail.

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One must know the difference between negotiating and begging. Negotiation must be in a proper way. Let us go through some negotiation techniques in detail.

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Negotiations are designed to benefit all but sometimes it is little difficult to reach to a conclusion. There are few challenges to negotiation and one must try his/her level best to overcome them.

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Communication plays an important role in negotiation. The better the communication is the better the negotiation would be. The article discusses about the role of communication for a successfule negotiation.

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It is very important for us to know how to negotiate well to avoid conflicts, have better relations among the employees etc. Let us go through some handy tips for a successful negotiation

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Salaries must be justified to extract the best out of the employees. Let us go through some important tips an individual should keep in mind during salary negotiation.

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