Corporate Meetings
February 12, 2025
While the NGO or the Non Profit sector is founded on the premise that they would propagate sustainable and equitable forms of development, the concept of internal accountability and internal structures of governance needs to be discussed as well. The point here is that NGO’s need to evolve mechanism for the practice of ethics and […]
There are several books that have been written about the steps that need to be undertaken in order to be able to be effectively able to implement operational risk management in an organization. However, a lot of companies fail in their endeavors. This is because very few studies have been conducted about mistakes that need […]
While the Aristotle model of communication puts the speaker in the central position and suggests that the speaker is the one who drives the entire communication, the Berlo’s model of communication takes into account the emotional aspect of the message. Berlo’s model of communication operates on the SMCR model. In the SMCR model S – […]
From the Smokestack Era to the Digital Era The role of management has changed over the decades as the paradigm shift from manufacturing to services and then to the emerging view of organizations as a holistic whole interacting with its environment in a symbiotic manner. This paradigm shift has engineered and engendered a corresponding shift […]
Anderson & Anderson’s model of change provides a comprehensive coverage of the entire process of change and equally explains the whole process of change as a cyclical process (Anderson and Anderson, 2001, p. 13). This model briefly views change from three perspectives: Content: It analyzes the technical as well as the organizational factors which require […]
Scenario 1 – You are sitting in front of an interview panel with arms crossed. So far you have not been asked a single question, however, your crossed arms have spoken louder than the words.
Tip 1 – Never keep your arms crossed especially during formal one-on-one meetings. It suggests you are not open to feedback and could also suggest that you are trying to dominate the situation.
Scenario 2 – You are giving a presentation to a group of 20 people. You keep your gaze fixed at the centre of the class/room through the presentation – your gaze has spoken louder than your words.
Tip 2 – Your gaze at one person should not be more than 4 - 5 seconds while delivering a presentation/communicating with a large group unless you are addressing an individual.
Scenario 1 and 2 clearly demonstrate the importance of Non Verbal Communication.
It is communication of feelings, emotions, attitudes, and thoughts through body movements/gestures/eye contact, etc.
The components of Non Verbal Communication are:
Remember, “what we say” is less important than “how we say it” as words are only 7% of our communication. Understand and enjoy non verbal communication as it helps forming better first impressions. Good luck!
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