Current Employment Trends and Their Implications for Business, Society, and Individuals
February 12, 2025
Introduction For most management graduates and students in business schools, working for the world famous Big Five management consultancies such as McKinsey, Booze Allen, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Price Waterhouse (PWC), and Anderson consulting is a dream come true. Indeed, the fact that these consultancies are often given the Day Zero or the opening slots […]
In the era of cut throat competition and globalization, organizations have realized the importance of strategic HR practices for gaining a competitive edge over the competitors. A well designed performance management system can play a crucial role in streamlining the activities of the employees in an organization for realizing the ultimate corporate mission and vision. […]
A Holistic Approach to Performance Management This article proceeds under the premise that performance by employees on the job needs to be assessed on a holistic basis. For all of you who are aspiring to make a name for themselves in the corporate world, you need to remember that corporates judge you based on on […]
It is essential for management to know how to extract the maximum out of employees. Making employees deliver their level best is the biggest challenge faced by organizations in current scenario. Individuals in most of the cases attend office just for the sake of it and are concerned only with their monthly salaries. Let me […]
Reasons for Attrition Attrition is a fact of life for contemporary organizations. Employees leave organizations for a variety of reasons including: dissatisfaction with pay and benefits, lack of job satisfaction, problems with their immediate managers, relocation to other cities and countries, unhappy at being overlooked for promotions, and most importantly, for better pay and prospects […]
Career development has become primary activity of organizations in order to create a pool of talented employees as well as enhance their career satisfaction. Along with this, it is also considered as an organized and planned process to improve the efficiency of organization.
In common terms, we may look upon it as an effort to strike a balance between organizational workforce requirements and individual career needs.
Employees have their own personal desires and aspirations and need to effectively utilize their personal skills to attain their career goals and objectives. On the other hand, organizations have needs for staffing and meeting present and future human resource requirements.
A career development system is a mechanism that takes both the parties in to consideration and helps them meet their requirements as well as objectives.
Objectives of Career Development Systems
It promotes communication at all levels of organizations for example manager and employee and managers and top management. Proper communication is the lifeblood of any organization and helps in solving several big issues.
A career development system can be very effective in creating a supportive culture in the organization and help employees grow and utilize their skills to achieve their desires and aspirations related to their career. Both organization and employees can meet their goals simultaneously.
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