Current Employment Trends and Their Implications for Business, Society, and Individuals
February 12, 2025
The Asian Juggernaut Aspiring entrepreneurs around the world have several opportunities both within their countries as well as in overseas destinations. With the opening up of many Asian economies, western entrepreneurs can now invest in countries such as China and India along with Indonesia and Thailand in addition to the latest entrants Vietnam and Cambodia. […]
What is Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Quotient We often hear the term Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Quotient or EQ being necessary for managers and working professionals to succeed in their careers. If we investigate what this term means, we find that it broadly refers to the emotional capacities of managers and working professionals when they […]
Job Rotation is a management approach where employees are shifted between two or more assignments or jobs at regular intervals of time in order to expose them to all verticals of an organization. It is a pre-planned approach with an objective to test the employee skills and competencies in order to place him or her […]
Many students of management and laypeople often hear the term HRM or Human Resource Management and wonder about the difference between HRM and the traditional term Personnel Management. In earlier times, the Personnel Manager of a factory or firm was the person in charge of ensuring employee welfare and interceding between the management and the […]
An organisation is a collection of individuals who come together and work towards the realisation of a common objective. Larger the number of people working together, larger is the size of the organisation and vice-versa. However, for an organisation to flourish it is important for the employees to operate at their full potential, which unfortunately […]
Career development has become primary activity of organizations in order to create a pool of talented employees as well as enhance their career satisfaction. Along with this, it is also considered as an organized and planned process to improve the efficiency of organization.
In common terms, we may look upon it as an effort to strike a balance between organizational workforce requirements and individual career needs.
Employees have their own personal desires and aspirations and need to effectively utilize their personal skills to attain their career goals and objectives. On the other hand, organizations have needs for staffing and meeting present and future human resource requirements.
A career development system is a mechanism that takes both the parties in to consideration and helps them meet their requirements as well as objectives.
Objectives of Career Development Systems
It promotes communication at all levels of organizations for example manager and employee and managers and top management. Proper communication is the lifeblood of any organization and helps in solving several big issues.
A career development system can be very effective in creating a supportive culture in the organization and help employees grow and utilize their skills to achieve their desires and aspirations related to their career. Both organization and employees can meet their goals simultaneously.
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