Corporate Corruption and the HRM Function: Legal, Ethical, and Moral Perspectives
February 12, 2025
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Occupational Safety and Health Administration, an agency of the United States Department of Labor, was created on December 30, 1970. Formed under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, its mission is to ensure safe and healthy conditions at workplace in order to prevent work-related illness, injuries, diseases and wrongful deaths by setting and implementing safety standards and by educating people by providing training and assistance.
OSH Act covers both employers and employees in most private and public sector workplaces either directly through federal OSHA or through an OSHA approved State Program. These regulations are industry-specific and task-specific to prevent or reduce workplace hazards or accidents resulting in illness, injuries or deaths in severe cases. The guidelines help employers recognize risk factors at workplace and take steps to control them. On the other hand, OSHA guidelines also take care of employees’ rights.
The self-employed persons, employees of State and local governments except those who work in one of the states with OSHA-approved safety and health programs, people employed in mining, nuclear energy production and nuclear weapons manufacturing and other segments where working conditions are regulated by Federal Agencies and farms where only family members are employed are not covered by OSH Act.
OSHA publishes a Safety Manual that is developed by an experienced team of doctors, attorneys and safety consultants. The manual includes detailed information about OSHA, its policies and procedures, OSHA standards, regulations as well as legislation.
In addition to this, it also contains guidelines about:
OSHA Safety Inspection Checklist is designed specially for the employers to help them meet OSHA safety requirements at workplace.
It covers various regulations that apply to almost all businesses such as:
The employers covered under OSHA directly or indirectly need to look over their workplaces and meet OSHA safety requirements to avoid any legal action against them. They should carefully go through the OSHA Safety Inspection Checklist, arrange for required provisions and get a safety inspection done.
Every year OSHA identifies the areas where OSHA standards for safety and health in workplace are not met. The organization sends them notice to conduct training and educational programs for workers. It also invites grant applications form non-profit groups and other organizations to address these needs. It provides funds to them so that they can reach out to their employees and conduct workplace training and educational programs. OSHA also offers consultation assistance to employers for establishing and maintaining a safe workplace.
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