Benefits of Participative Management
February 12, 2025
Why is a Group Discussion Organized ? In the previous article, we talked about what is group discussion, the basics and how is it different from a debate. In this article we are going to cover a number of subjects including why a Group discussion is being conducted, the areas of evaluation during a selection […]
Why Competency Mapping Can Solve the Perennial Right Person for the Wrong Job Problem We often hear the saying, Right Person for the Wrong Job, being used to refer to people who are either too qualified or too competent for the job that they are assigned to. Conversely, HR (Human Resources) and Line Managers also […]
The Importance of Performance Appraisals People work in organizations for monetary and nonmonetary reasons. While monetarily, employees look forward to increasing pay and perks, they also look for job satisfaction and fulfillment in their jobs. Thus, the motivators that determine whether a particular employee would stick to the job or leave the organization are based […]
The past year has taken immense toll on everybody’s mental wellbeing all across the world. Depression, suicide, anxiety, and stress disorders are no more something that one can leave behind at home and arrive at workplace with a productive mindset. It is about time organizations realize the need to encompass mental wellbeing of their employees […]
How Hiring Managers and Organizations Detect Fake Resumes and Spot Lies The recruitment and selection process is an important aspect of any organization’s overall Human Resources (HR) and for that matter, even org wide policies. Indeed, considering the fact that recruitment and selection often determines whether the right person for the right job has been […]
Participative management in itself does not ensure success and should not be seen as tool to create magic within no time. There is certain ground preparation required before an organization can decide for implementation of the management style.
The following things need to be taken care of:
Participative management may be a solution for each and every type of organization. It is a big challenge in big organizations with big employee size. The implementation needs to be carefully planned and implemented gradually.
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