Corporate Etiquette – Dos and Donts
February 12, 2025
Group of individuals working together for a common objective form a team. Teams are generally formed to accomplish complicated and difficult tasks. All individuals come together on a common platform and strive hard to achieve the set objective. When individuals work as a single unit towards a common predefined goal, a team is formed. Not […]
There are several books that have been written about the steps that need to be undertaken in order to be able to be effectively able to implement operational risk management in an organization. However, a lot of companies fail in their endeavors. This is because very few studies have been conducted about mistakes that need […]
With an aim to leverage on the global talent, virtual teams are becoming the norm for team work in most of organizations. But there are certain myths that cloud the mindset of the managers/leaders of these virtual teams which does not allow them to utilize their full potential. For the success of virtual team, it […]
Confidence and attitude play an essential role in public speaking. One needs to be confident in front of his/her audience to create an everlasting impression. Remember, your audience would not take you seriously unless and until you believe in yourself. Nervousness only indicates either you are lying or not sure of what you intend to […]
Teams are becoming a key tool for organizing work in today’s corporate world. Teams have the potential to immediately amass, organize, relocate, and disperse. But, teams are an effective tool of employee motivation. It is essential to consider the fact that teams develop and get mature over a period of time. Team development creates a […]
Etiquette is all about behaving in a socially acceptable way.
An individual should behave in a certain way at the workplace to leave his mark. One needs to be little more mature and responsible at the workplace.
Etiquette refers to skill sets required by an individual to find a place in the society. No one likes to talk to a person who lacks etiquette.
An individual can’t afford to behave in the same way in office as he behaves at his home. There is a huge difference between one’s college and professional life.
Parties and get-togethers are an important feature in corporates where employees get to know each other better. Office parties also strengthen the bond among the employees.
Office Party Etiquette teaches an individual how to behave at office parties, dinners and get together. It is essential for an individual to behave sensibly at office parties.
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