Common Issues with Revenue Generated from Broadcasting Right
February 12, 2025
The Debt Bomb and its Implications The world is in crisis and one of the reasons for that is the excessive debt held by people, companies, and countries. The west is especially hit hard because of the profligacy of the last three decades starting from the 1970s, which have resulted in a consumerist lifestyle, and […]
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The amount of money that is managed by pension funds is huge. Since pension funds have large amounts of money which they can use to invest in the market, they are known for being trendsetters in the investment community. It is for this reason that pension funds are being used by governments all over the […]
Paperwork Intensive Job order costing systems have a massive paper trail. They function on the basis of this paperwork. This creates a lot of complications. Companies have to employ a lot of clerical staff to sift through this paperwork and that adds to the overheads that job order costing is trying to minimize. For every […]
Pension funds across the world are facing a significant financial crisis. This is because, for a very long time, they have been investing heavily in equities since the interest rates offered by debt funds were quite low. However, in the recent past, the equity markets have sharply declined. As a result, the asset values of pension funds have dropped sharply while at the same time the liability values of state-funded defined benefit plans have remained the same. This has created a situation where there is a significant shortfall.
State pensions in the United State are almost 20% underfunded on an average! Estimates state that more than $200 billion will be required over the next five years in order to be able to make the required benefit payments.
Usually, state governments fund this gap. However, now since an economic recession may likely be around the corner, no government body is likely to have extra cash to fund this shortfall. Governments want to conserve whatever cash they have and don’t mind raising additional funds from the market. The end result is that many governments are considering issuing pension obligation bonds.
Pension obligation bonds are not new. These bonds have been in existence for a very long time. However, they are one of the most controversial types of bonds that have been under criticism for many different reasons.
In this article, we will try to understand what pension obligation bonds are as well as the reasons behind their unpopularity of these bonds.
Pension obligation bonds are special bonds issued by pension funds. These bonds are taxable as opposed to other bonds issued by such funds. Also, the idea behind the issuance of pension obligation bonds is that the money derived from the sale of such bonds will be used to invest in high-interest-yielding securities. For instance, the pension fund will issue debt at a low cost and will then use the proceeds to buy stocks and other assets which pay higher interest rates.
The difference between the two interest rates will help the pension fund make up for the shortfall. In the end, the pension fund will return the principal and the interest to the investors. However, they will use the additional profit earned to make for the shortfall in the pension fund.
Proponents of pension obligation bonds feel that such bonds can be considered to be an arbitrage opportunity i.e., they allow pension funds to grow their funds without any additional risk. However, this is not true. Most people believe that pension obligation bonds add significant risk to the overall portfolio. This is the reason why most investors are averse to the use of pension obligation bonds.
The significant disadvantages associated with pension obligation bonds have been mentioned below:
If pension obligation bonds consume a part of the debt, then that part is not available to other sectors within the government. This creates resistance within the government machinery against the issuance of pension obligation bonds.
The bottom line is that pension obligation bonds are very risky financial instruments. Most prudent fund managers avoid using these instruments. However, they are often used by funds under duress as a sure-fire way to raise funds.
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