Control Based Processes
February 12, 2025
Introduction Tally is powerful accounting software, which is driven by a technology called concurrent multi-lingual accelerated technology engine. It is easy to use software and is designed to simply complex day to day activities associated in an enterprise. Tally provides comprehensive solution around accounting principles, inventory and data integrity. Tally also has feature encompassing global […]
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When organizations were first formed they were largely people driven. Before we delve any further, it would be useful to first understand what being people driven really means. An organization basically required four types of inputs to function successfully viz -
A people driven organization is dependant on specific people for these inputs. For instance if only specific laborers have the skill to perform certain activities hat are required by a business, then those laborers are bound to team up and use the bargaining power to increase their wages.
An organization will be people dependant always i.e., it will need people to provide it with the inputs required. However, the idea is to create an organization that is not dependant on specific people. This means that if a laborer or a group of laborers decide to leave the organization, the organization should still be able to continue its normal operations without too much of a setback.
Also being people driven imposes certain limitations on the organizations which have been listed below:
For instance there are certain strategic decisions (activity) that can only been taken by the entrepreneur (specific individual), it limits the amount of decisions that can be made by the time that the entrepreneur has.
A process driven organization would try to map out the mental model of the entrepreneur and create a set of rules. Then other people and systems can be used to ensure adherence to these rules. This will enable the number of decisions to increase without the quality of decisions take the slightest hit. Only exceptions will reach the entrepreneur.
Over time, the process will be strong enough to ensure that there are no exceptions at all and that all decisions can be handled by the process itself.
A people driven organization will function on the basis of incomplete knowledge that the entrepreneur has. This is because the knowledge is nested in people who have limited ability to learn.
A process driven organization on the other hand will hire the best consultants in this regard, map their mental model and create an set of rules which regular employees can follow. This organization will use average employees as inputs to create above average results because of the process approach.
There is an underlying assumption that the company will be able to procure them within the allocated costs in the factor markets (labor markets). However, historically it has been shown that labor is mobile across industries. For example, the prospects of more wages in IT industry could mar the hiring plans of a manufacturing company because they just cannot hire more.
If the organization relies on the good faith of its employees to execute its operations, it is an inherently unstable structure. A few immoral employees acting in their interest rather than the organization’s interest could cause the company to collapse.
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