The Link between Credit Growth and Real Estate Bubbles
February 12, 2025
Real estate investing is a sophisticated business. There are sophisticated techniques that are used by many diligent investors to carry out their due diligence. One such sophisticated technique is called ratio analysis. This technique is very similar to the ratio analysis that is carried out while evaluating the financial statements of publicly listed corporations. However, […]
The economic paradigm has always been defined as the battle between the haves, and the have-not’s i.e. the “rich” and the “poor”. This has been the rhetoric since the times of Karl Marx. However, eminent American economist Milton Friedman challenged this assumption in the 1980’s. He believes that the biggest beneficiaries of all governmental programs […]
The real estate market in China has undergone a complete shift. At one point in time, the Chinese workers were assured of secure housing by their communist government. However, the recent trend in Chinese real estate has made real estate unaffordable even for the highly paid middle class employees making it a completely different ball […]
Managers study managerial economics because it gives them insight to reign the functioning of the organization. If manager uses the principles applicable to economic behaviour in a reasonably, then it will result in smooth functioning of the organisation. Managerial Economics is a Science Managerial Economics is an essential scholastic field. It can be compared to […]
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) have become the buzzword when it comes to investing in real estate. They have provided above average returns in countries like the United States where they were first implemented. This has led to the growing popularity of the Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and today more countries in the world […]
Accurate and reliable real estate valuations are difficult to obtain. As a result, gauging whether a property investment has turned out to be profitable is also not a straightforward process. There are a number of indices that an investor must keep a track of, in order to understand the current situation of their investment and make effective decisions accordingly. This article provides an overview about performance measurement in the real estate sector.
Valuation of liquid assets such as stocks and bonds is easy. This is because they have a precise listed price. This price is quoted on an exchange every few seconds and anyone can transact at the quoted prices. However, this is not the case with real estate! Real estate prices are opaque and it takes significant effort and time to unearth both the rental and capital values of real estate. The true value of the particular property is only realized when it is the subject of a transaction.
Since all properties are unique (i.e. not homogenous), there cannot be a standard price in the market that is applicable to all investment units. As such, real estate investors have to look at a variety of measures just to find out whether the value of their investment is doing well! Here are some of the common ways that investors resort to in order to gauge the success or failure of their investments.
In case, the investor does not intend to liquidate the property but rather hold it for some more time, the investor can look at some of these measures to understand the performance of his/her investment better.
Thus, these investors keep a track of their monthly mortgage payments which include interest as well as principal payments and then use the market price to determine whether or not the equity that they have built in the house is greater than the expense that they have incurred as a result of holding on to the house.
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