Components of Performance Management System
February 12, 2025
Typically a career involves a growth path which takes an individual to a higher position in the organizational hierarchy over a certain period of time. It is called the career ladder or the career path. Most of the organisations map out various steps in the lifetime of an organisation in advance. This is done to […]
There is no dearth of professionals but there is an acute shortage of talented professionals globally. Every year B-schools globally churn out management professionals in huge numbers but how many of are actually employable remains questionable! This is true for other professions also. The scenario is worse even in developing economies of south East Asia. […]
Open-mindedness is another name of liberalism or progressiveness. But here in the context of Group discussion, open-mindedness is being directly referred to the traits which make you a good employee in an organization. Being open minded means that you are willing to listen to others views and have the mindset to learn without being biased […]
A performance management process involves an assessment or an analysis of what has been achieved and forms a basis for career planning, potential development, performance agreements and development plans like Douglas Mc. Gregor suggested that emphasis should be on analysis and not on appraisal. Performance management process is forward looking. Performance assessments depend upon the […]
The Challenges Confronting the HR Professionals in these Charged Times World over, the emergence of nationalist and populist movements has meant that women and racial minorities as well as immigrants are under unprecedented threat. Indeed, with the charge against immigrants and women coming right from the top in the United States, with President Trump leading […]
Review of performance once or twice in a year provides an objective or a sense of focus on the key performance or development issues. Performance review meetings form the basis for enabling both the managers and the individuals to positively explore ways for improving the performance in the near future and to identify solutions for resolving the issues which come in the way of attainment of predetermined performance standards.
Some of the crucial objectives of performance reviews are as follows:
Performance review meetings should focus on two major areas: Firstly on performance improvement measures and secondly, the meeting should be forward looking in nature rather than backward looking. The main problems which normally arise during the period of performance reviews are:
The above discussed problems can be checked by adopting the following measures:
The golden rules for conducting a performance review meeting:
Guiding principles of a review meeting:
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