Role of Dressing in Public Speaking
February 12, 2025
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The art of connecting to a large audience refers to public speaking. In today’s fast paced world where everybody is so busy chasing targets, it is really not feasible for the employers to discuss each and every issue with their employees in private. Public speaking helps people touch base with a large number of individuals at a single time.
Public speaking is not that easy as it sounds. One needs to practice really well for the same.
The first and the foremost step towards preparing for public speaking is to be very clear about the agenda. Ask yourself as to why do you need to address people? Do not call people just for the sake of it. Once you are clear with the topic, do as much research as you can. Remember, your audience can ask you anything under the sky. You can’t skip every question.
Thorough knowledge about the topic to be discussed is in fact the key to an effective session. There are speakers who prefer taking notes/bullet points to the session. I do not say that it is a wrong practice but reading only from the notes is certainly not acceptable and expected out of a good and professional speaker.
Why are you the chosen one to represent your company in front of all the employees in case you just have to read out notes? In fact anyone can do the same.
Understand that eye contact is a crucial aspect in public speaking. It helps you connect with your audience instantly and more over people also take you seriously. Remember, one needs to be spontaneous and it comes only when you yourself are clear as to what you intend to speak.
You can take few points just in case you have a bad memory but always try to make your session an interactive one for better results. Be prepared for the worst questions. Surf various informative websites, read related books, articles, notes and gather as much relevant information as you can.
Support your content with live case studies, practical examples and authentic data. You can also make a nice presentation to share with your audience but make sure your presentation highlights only the key points. Presentation is always in bullets and you just do not have to include paragraphs and stories in it.
Practicing well is another step towards preparing for public speaking. Never be over confident. Give your presentation in front of either a friend or colleague whom you trust and who is capable of giving you honest and correct feedback. Incorporate the changes as suggested. If you cannot find someone, stand in front of the mirror and speak. It works! It helps you realize your mistakes and shortcomings.
Dressing appropriately helps you carve a niche of your own and leave an everlasting impression. You really do not have to wear your bridal outfit but yes wear something you yourself are sure of. Wear comfortable clothes and no casual clothing to formal presentations. A white shirt with a black fitted trouser is the ideal combination. Wearing a tie or not is entirely your choice.
Do not wear belts with a broad and flashy buckle. Girls should not wear dresses with a deep neck revealing their cleavage. Dress decently and most importantly neatly. You do not have to put layers of make up just because you have to address people on a public forum.
Divide your speech in parts and be very careful about your time limit. There is no point in unnecessarily dragging a presentation. If your time limit is two hours, make sure you assign some time for your own and company’s introduction, the actual content and also for question answer round in the end. Be very confident and believe in yourself.
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