The term ’Psychology’ has been derived from two Greek words ’Psyche’ which means life and ’logos’ which means explanation. Psychology...
Read moreThe Psychodynamic Perspective: As per the Psychodynamic approach, human behaviour is an outcome of the role played by various psychological...
Read moreNature and Nurture Relationship or Interdependence: This is one of the most crucial areas of the Psychologists ever since the...
Read morePsychology as a field of study has evolved considerably over last few years with different perspectives, approaches and research interests...
Read moreThe Behavioural Approach came into existence during early twentieth century as a response to the then much discussed about Psychoanalytic...
Read moreCognitive Psychology is another school of thought which examines the internal processes or cognition and attempts to study the thought...
Read moreHumanistic Psychology looks at the individual from a holistic perspective and lays a lot of stress on the concepts like...
Read moreSocio-Cultural perspective of psychology takes into account those larger forces emanating from the societies and cultures that affect the individual’s...
Read moreThe Biological Perspective or Biopsychology is a latest development in the field of psychology which has acquired increasing importance as...
Read moreSigmund Freud was born in 1856 in Austria, but lived mainly in Vienna. The founder of Psychoanalysis school of thought...
Read moreGestalt school of thought viewed human behaviour and mind as a complete whole. The term Gestalt means totality, Structure, Figure...
Read moreSeveral years of research have made important advancements in explaining the functioning of human brain and explaining how biological processes...
Read moreBrain Lateralization theory stress on the fact that the two halves of the brain known as right and left hemispheres...
Read moreNervous system protects our body from various dangers by following a sequence of interpretation and reaction to the stimuli. Endocrine...
Read moreThe process of sensation involves transmission of information to the brain by the sensory receptors like nose, eyes, ears, mouth...
Read moreWith the help of our senses we are able to make sense of the world we live in. The study...
Read moreGustation (Sense of Taste) The gustatory system comprise of three crucial parts: the mouth, tongue and also the taste buds...
Read morePerception which is derived from the term “Percept” refers to a series of processes which we have to undergo to...
Read morePerceptual illusion occurs when a stimulus is perceived inaccurately. It can equally be explained as a sensory distortion in scientific...
Read moreThe concept of Attention is studied in Cognitive Psychology with focus on explaining how we process the environmental information with...
Read moreThe process of learning is continuous which starts right from the time of birth of an individual and continues till...
Read moreThe concept of learning is quite comprehensive as it covers a broad range of activities. In many books, the theories...
Read moreThe study of human memory since ages has been a topic of interest for the school of cognitive psychology. Human...
Read moreLong term memories last for a longer period of time as it has the capacity to store information for a...
Read moreIt has been indisputable for quite some time that leaders ought to be coaches. They have to practice a management...
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