This article provides an introductory overview on the study of Psychology as a discipline or a specialized science. Studies of various psychologists, scientists and thinkers have been analyzed for understanding the interrelatedness of Psychology as a field of specialization with other social sciences, its nature and scope. An attempt has been made on investigating various fields of research done on psychology and in studying various approaches of psychology.
Articles on Psychology
Psychology as a specialized field of study has evolved over many years, with research and investigations done by psychologists and experts on various aspects of human behaviour. The article briefly describes the Psychodynamic perspective, its applicability in an organizational context and attempts to explain how a leader-follower relationship can have a strong influence on the organizational productivity and growth.
Though different Psychologists hold varied opinions about the field of Psychology and till date this field of specialization is evolving. But the crucial questions which they attempt to answer remain the same. This article presents a detailed perspective on the crucial areas of concern for Psychologists on which they have been researching since last several years. A description is equally provided on the challenges to the field of Psychology and addresses the question what makes this field of study so complex.
This article attempts to describe how the study of psychology analyze the causes of variations in human behaviour, by using scientific techniques or research based methods based on collection of empirical evidences. Various levels of explanations related to the field of psychology have also been explained in this article.
Psychology as a specialized field of study has evolved over many years, with research and investigations done by psychologists and experts on various aspects of human behaviour. The article briefly describes about the historical perspectives and key concepts of behavioural approach. An explanation is also provided on the applicability of this theory in management context and provides a detailed insight on how this approach is from other approaches.
Cognitive approach to Psychology is another important school of thought which stresses on the mental faculties like thoughts and memories. In this article, a description is provided on the crucial principles of cognitive psychology and the views of various thinkers have been highlighted for describing how these cognitive variables influence the behaviour of individuals. Besides this, the strengths and limitations of cognitive approach have been discussed along with its relative importance in comparison with other approaches of psychology.
Humanistic Perspective of Psychology provides a holistic perspective on key psychological processes in comparison with other Psychological perspectives. In this article, a description is provided on the key principles of Humanistic perspective, the historical backdrop and the developments which have taken place in humanistic psychology and the relative advantages as well as limitations of this theory. Various views of different psychologists on humanistic perspective and the applicability of this theory in management as well as therapies have been explained.
Socio-Cultural theory of Psychology is one of the latest developments in the field of psychology, which attempts to analyze the relationship between individual development and society. This article provides a quick sneak peek on what is major focus of socio-cultural perspective, doctrines propounded by the founding fathers of this perspective and its relevance in management along with the advantages and limitations of this perspective.
This article provides coverage on Biopsychology which is a recent field of research in psychology. A description has been provided on the history, research contributions of various psychologists and their views and recent developments with newer research findings and conclusions. The article provides an answer to the questions of how human brain activities can influence behaviour and attempts to analyze the principles of biology for explaining the behavioural processes.
The article provides a description about Sigmund Freuds version of Psychoanalysis. In this article, models of mind as posited by Freud along with his version on the major components of human personality has been explained vividly. Insights have been shared on Freuds interpretation of dreams and his research done on different defence mechanisms or the tactics which individuals use for protecting oneself from anxiety. The article concludes with coverage on Freuds contribution to the field of Psychology as a Founding father of the Psychoanalysis school of thought, the limitations of his theory and the practical relevance of Freuds theory in contemporary scenario.
The article offers a brief overview on the Gestalt school of thought and a description on the relevance of Gestalt theory, explains how Gestalt school has evolved along with the views of various thinkers or psychologists. Further, coverage is also given to the key components or characteristics of Gestalt psychology along with its relative strengths and limitations.
This article discusses in detail about the anatomy of human brain, the functioning of neurons and their role in influencing human behaviour. A description is provided on the structure of human brain and its different parts, the structure of neurons and various types of neurons, their functioning and their role in the functioning of the nervous system of a human anatomy.
This article attempts to explain the theory of brain lateralization by extending coverage on the functions of the two hemispheres of the brain and how we tend to develop lateralization. The article analyzes various research investigations on the use of right and left hemispheres of brain. Suitable recommendations are provided in the write-up for developing both the hemispheres of the brain and using it effectively in our day to day aspects of life.
The article provides explanation on how endocrine system can affect human behaviour. It further describes how the electrical components along with the chemical components of the human body influence an individuals behaviour. It explains the relationship between the nervous system and endocrine system, explains the importance of glands and hormones and the complete structural anatomy in regulating the functioning of the endocrine system
This article describes the process of Sensation, explains how the sensory receptors and the brain work in harmony in the sensation process. Description is equally further provided on sensory absolute threshold and the factors which influence this threshold level. An explanation is also provided on the difference between sensation and perception. It further explains how sensory adaptation takes place.
This article describes the importance of sensory organs in the process of sensation. The sensations like vision and audition/hearing have been explained. Description is provided on how these sensations occur and the role played by the sensory organs like eyes and ears in transmission and interpretation of information.
This article describes about the functioning of the various sense organs like the gustatory system, olfactory system, somatosensation, Proprioception and Kinesthesia. A detailed coverage is provided on their anatomy, types and the functions which each part of these sense organs perform while transmitting the neural messages to the brain.
The article explains the meaning of perception with the help of relevant examples and assesses the difference between perception and sensation. A description is provided on the stages involved in the perceptual process and describes how we select, organize and interpret information received by our senses and provide it a meaning. Further, an explanation has been provided on the factors which influence the perceptual process.
This article describes the errors in perceptions which are explained as different forms of perceptual illusions. An explanation is provided on the phenomenon of Perceptual Constancy, which can be of two kinds, shape and size constancies.
This article describes the meaning of Attention by analyzing the definitions and research contributions of various psychologists. Various types of attention and major characteristics of attention have been explained with the help of appropriate examples.
This article provides a brief overview on some of the major issues related with learning. A basic understanding is provided on the psychology of learning, various definitions as posited by some eminent psychologists, important characteristics of learning and also various types of learning have been explained.
This article provides a description on the important theories of learning, for explaining how learning takes place and provide specific conclusions with the help of proven experiments.
The article discusses about the various processes of memory, explains how memories are formed and provides an overview on the stage model of memory and how memory is organized.
The article provides an explanation on what distinguishes the short-term memory from the long-term memory with respect to their functioning and applicability in our day to day lives. A description is also provided on the steps involved in the memory retrieval process and attempts to explain the memory consolidation process as well as the major influencers of the consolidation process.
Cognitive coaching or involving the mind and molding the thought process is a self-guided approach which relies on self-reflection and self-direction. It is supposed to be wholistic in its approach, addressing and touching core ideas central to a persons understanding of self and others.
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