Communication and Public Relations
February 12, 2025
A loss distribution approach is a common approach followed by risk management practitioners in order to identify and evaluate the possible risks that they are likely to face in the due course of business. The loss distribution approach has actually been designed by the actuarial practitioners who work in the insurance industry. It is for […]
In the contemporary business environment, organizations fight the battle of competition by building their adaptive capabilities and preparedness for coping against the pressures of change. In the present scenario, top management give a lot of importance to change management process and the need for being flexible as well as adaptable for tackling the growing environmental […]
The contingency model is an extended version of Lewin’s three step in which Dunphy and Stace (1988, 1992 and 1993), explained the process of change from the transformational organization perspective. Dunphy and Stace (1993), put forth a situational or contingency model of change, which emphasized on the fact that organizations should vary their change strategies […]
Communication is said to be the basis of every interpersonal relationship. Infact effective communication is the key to a healthy and long lasting relationship. If individuals do not communicate with each other effectively, problems are bound to come. Communication plays a pivotal role in reducing misunderstandings and eventually strengthens the bond among individuals. A relationship […]
Conflict arises when individuals strongly oppose each other’s opinions and views and are not willing to compromise with each other. A conflict solves no problems; it just creates tensions, anxiety and earns you a bad name. No body appreciates you, if you are constantly engaged in fights. Conflicts must be controlled at the right time […]
Models of public relations were proposed by James E. Grunig, a noted public relations theorist who has to his credit several books, articles, chapters and awards in the field of public relations.
According to James E.Grunig, there are four models of public Relations:
Press Agentry Publicity model is also called P.T Barnum model. Press Agentry Publicity model follows one way communication where the flow of information is only from the sender to the receiver. The sender is not much concerned about the second party’s feedback, reviews and so on.
In Press Agentry publicity model, public relations experts enhance the reputation of the organization among the target audiences, stakeholders, employees, partners, investors and all others associated with it through manipulation.
According to this model, organizations hire public relations experts who create a positive image of their brand in the minds of target audiences through arguments and reasoning. They influence their potential customers by simply imposing their ideas, thoughts, creative stories of their brand, USPs of the products and so on.
Flow of information takes place only from the public relations experts to the target audiences. (One way communication)
As the names suggests public information model, emphasizes on maintaining and enhancing the image of an organization simply by circulating relevant and meaningful information among the target audience/public.
Public relations experts depend on press release, news release, video release or any other recorded communication often directed at the media to circulate information about their brand among the public.
Newsletters, brochures, magazines with information about the organization, its key people, products, benefits of the products, testimonials, success stories are distributed at regular intervals among target audiences for brand positioning.
In such a model, public relations experts need to be creative and ought to have a flair for writing. They should be really good at putting their thoughts into meaningful words which influence the customers and end-users.
Public information model also revolves around one way communication where information primarily flows from sender(organization and public relations experts) to the receiver(target audience, employees, stake holders, employees, investors and so on).
Two way asymmetrical model of public relations revolves around two way communication between both the parties but the communication is somewhat not balanced.
In this type of model, public relations experts position their organization and brand on the whole in the minds of their target audiences through manipulation and force the public to behave the same way they would want them to do.
In two way asymmetrical model of public relations, organizations do not utilize much of their manpower and resources to find out the reaction of the stakeholders, investors or for that matter public.
Two way symmetrical model of public relations is an ideal way of enhancing an organization’s reputation among the target audience. According to two way symmetrical model, public relations experts depend on two way communication to position their brand among end-users.
Free flow of information takes place between the organization and its stake holders, employees, investors and vice-a-versa. Conflicts and misunderstandings are resolved through mutual discussions and communication.
A two way communication takes place between both the parties and information flows in its desired form. The feedback from stakeholders and target audiences are also taken into consideration.
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