Critical Success Factors for Virtual Teams
February 12, 2025
Knowledge Management is defined as the use of different practices and techniques to collect, store and share Knowledge including information, experiences learning and insights among the current and future team members. Before the advent of information and communication technologies, Knowledge management involved the use of face-to-face interactions through classroom training, job rotation, coaching & mentoring […]
Let us go through few strategies for organizational diversity: Treat all individuals equally irrespective of their designation, back ground, community and religion. It hardly matters to the organization whether the individual concerned is a Christian, Muslim, Hindu or a Sikh. What matters is his willingness to learn and passion to perform. Rules and regulations ought […]
Action Research is a useful method for facilitating organizational change by collaborating and involving the client in the entire process of diagnostic, problem identification, experiential learning, and problem-solving process. The entire process of action research is action oriented with the objective of making the change happen successfully. The process equally involves experimentation with the various […]
The Advocacy versus the Activist Role Non-profits around the world typically are divided into those that undertake grassroots activism and those that advocate ideological positions and those that combine these two aspects to work for the betterment of society. This means that many nonprofits like the Red Cross and Oxfam are activist and advocacy oriented […]
Aristotle was the first to take an initiative and design the communication model. Let us first go through a simple situation. In a political meeting, the prospective leader delivers speech to the audience urging for more votes from the constituency. He/She tries to convince the crowd in the best possible way He/She can so that […]
Last year Bob Stuart was given the ‘Best Team Leader’ award because his team had delivered all the milestones accurately and on-time. Along with the award, he was also a given a greater responsibility of leading a bigger and more diverse team whose members were located in 3 different countries. But this year not only that Bob’s name was nowhere found on the nomination list of best team leader award but his team could not even meet the project milestones. Do you also find yourself in a similar situation? If yes then this article has just the information you were waiting all along to pull you out of this not so desired situation.
With the growing need for shorter cycle time, enhanced innovation, lower operating costs and leveraging global talent, virtual teams comes as a solution. Virtual teams give the much desired competitive edge to the organizations in this fierce business scenario. Though many organizations adopt virtual teams but only few are able to squeeze its juice while the remaining only witness worse results. This article attempts to summarize the six underlying reasons for the failure of virtual teams.
There are specific behaviors which demonstrate disengagement of the virtual team members such as frequent absence from team calls, lesser participation in team meetings and no interest in sharing information with the other team members or in overall project progress. If you witness any of these, know for sure that it is time you need to overhaul the virtual team management approach so as to emerge successful. The disengaged or dysfunctional team could be due to any of the pitfalls discussed above. Rather than rectifying when the problems crystallize, you need to take pre-emptive measures right from the formative stage of virtual teams. Don’t be another Bob Stuart!
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