What is Lobbying, How it Works, and What are its Advantages and Disadvantages?
February 12, 2025
Organizations have come to realize that in today’s constantly changing business scenario, the most valuable resource that needs to be leveraged is human resource. This means not just attracting the creme-de-la-creme and retaining them but keeping them motivated and committed to achieving the organization goals. Though Employee Engagement (EE) as a business buzzword has generated […]
How HR Managers are vexed by the Problem of Good Interview Candidates Research has shown that there are many instances of jobseekers excelling in the interviews, but, failing on the job, once they are recruited and placed in projects. While this problem has been around for a while, in recent years, it has become so […]
Why Did American Employers Mark May As The Mental Health Awareness Month? This year, the month of May was celebrated as Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States and Canada. Across the US and Canada, employers and employees alike took part in a month long activity binge, focusing on how the American and Canadian […]
How a Typical Hiring Process Works and Why the Hidden Identity Markers Matter Typically, the hiring and recruitment process in corporates entails receiving resumes for the advertised openings, short listing some of them for the next round of tests and interviews, the actual interview process, and then, the decision to hire or reject. In this […]
Talent management can be a discipline as big as the HR function itself or a small bunch of initiatives aimed at people and organization development. Different organizations utilize talent management for their benefits. This is as per the size of the organization and their belief in the practice. It could just include a simple interview […]
Let us go through few relationship strategies within the workplace:
Don’t enter office with the perception that office colleagues can never be good friends. Infact there are people who have their best friends at the workplace only. Leave all your personal problems behind. Don’t start working the moment you enter office. Work becomes monotonous this way. Greet everyone with a smile. Initiate morning meetings within your respective teams only. Take your cup of coffee along with you. Listen to what the other person has to say. Never ignore anyone else’s suggestions. Team members ought to sit with each other, brainstorm ideas before finalizing crucial strategies.
Rather than cribbing and complaining, it is always advisable to talk, discuss and mutually sort out various issues. If you have problems with someone, sit with the individual concerned in private and discuss face to face. Never leave even the minutest problems unattended. Trust me; they lead to major problems later on. Superiors need to intervene at the earliest, in case of critical problems.
Criticism is one of the major factors which not only spoils the relationship among employees but also leads to a negative ambience at the workplace. As they say, there is light even at the end of the darkest tunnel. Remember, no individual on this earth is perfect. You just need to concentrate on the positive qualities of an individual rather than cribbing over his negative qualities. Trust me, Ignorance is bliss.
There is no place of sentiments at the workplace. Don’t be too possessive and emotional for your colleague just because he/she is your friend. Don’t expect too much from your counter parts. Don’t expect your team member to go out with you for a smoke just because you are done with your assignment. He/she might be busy. If you learn to keep a check on your emotions, trust me; you would never fail in relationships. Healthy relationship among team members does not mean you can ask your colleague to book movie tickets for you or pick your child from school. Be realistic in your approach.
Helping each other at the times of crisis is necessary but do not interfere too much in anyone’s personal life. It is generally not advisable to discuss affairs, love lives, crushes, dates during the office hours. Even if you want to do so, make sure you are discussing during the lunch hours. Discussing personal lives is sometimes essential to break the bond among the employees but make sure you do not cross your limit. I am sure no one would like to discuss a failed relationship at workplace. Not even you.
Favouritism ought to be avoided at the workplace for better relationships among employees. Bosses should not favour any individual just because he/she is their relative. Such things do not work in offices. Do not discuss strategies applicable to all in closed cabins. Be transparent with your subordinates.
Help others only when you are done with your own work. Motivate each other and avoid being jealous.
Develop the habit of working in teams. Responsibilities ought to be distributed equally among employees as per their expertise and work experience.
Be honest. If you are overburdened, please do say so. Do not accept unnecessary work from your team members. Such favours do not save relationships. It is always better to say a polite “NO” in the beginning rather than facing the music later on.
Respect your colleagues especially female counterparts. Female employees ought to feel comfortable and secure in your company. Avoid doing loose talks with anyone at the workplace.
Do not open any of your team member’s personal files, couriers or letters just because he/she is your friend. Such an approach is unprofessional and unacceptable.
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