ERP Service Module – Call Handling and Service Orders Control
February 12, 2025
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Conventional shop floor control functionality of an ERP system, for the most part, is suitable for discrete manufacturing. However, during last two decades, interest surged for Just in Time manufacturing technique which is suitable for high volume repetitive manufacturing. New functionalities in the ERP system were developed to support repetitive manufacturing so as to maximize throughput, minimize waste and reduction of set up time.
Although majority of manufacturing is discrete, process industries, consisting of chemicals, food processing, paint, pharmaceutical, biotechnology etc., comprises an important segment of manufacturing.
Functional requirements for both process and discrete industries for various financial and distribution modules are similar. However, functionality needed for production and operational control is widely different. Under discreet manufacturing distinct items are produced using BOM and routing whereas under process manufacturing, end product, produced out of continuous process, can not be distinguished from each other.
Repetitive manufacturing: Important element of repetitive manufacturing is where schedules, where production orders are consolidated into schedules. Another important consideration for generation of schedule is capacity of bottleneck work center. On completion of schedule run, completed units are moved to inventory and lot/serial number is assigned. Pull notes are used to transfer material between work centers.
A repetitive type of manufacturing environment has the following characteristics:
Repetitive manufacturing procedure: A schedule consists of production orders with completion date that falls in the same period. The production orders under a schedule (with like delivery schedule) can be grouped by item where different routing and production facilities are used for the same item. Alternatively, production orders may be grouped based on production facility where different items, following different routing, are produced in the same production facility. On completion of a production schedule, status of all linked production orders is changed to complete and related financial, cost and variance transactions are generated.
Repetitive manufacturing history: A strong analytic capability is available with repetitive manufacturing, which effectively supports panning and control. Some of such reports are:
Process Manufacturing: Under process manufacturing, final product along with by products and co products are produced from ingredients through continuous production process which is identifiable by batches. During the production process, the ingredient is gone through chemical changes such as mixing, blending, and encapsulating. The functionality needed for production module of process industry is distinguished by the following:
Recipe Management: Recipe management is a key functionality related to batch processing in a process industry. This improves control of sequential batches. Another important feature is version control of which ensures that correct version is always used. Recipe management also helps in monitoring of expiry date, self life and potency for a batch.
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