Critical Success Factors for Virtual Teams
February 12, 2025
Corporate Meetings are very crucial part of business activities. They are a significant means of formal communication. Meetings are a venue for generation of new and innovative ideas. These meetings are multipurpose in nature actually. They aim at discussing feedback and receiving feedback on the spot. The information of prior importance is given during meetings. […]
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The traditional approach towards administration has been limited in its scope and premise, the core of which was strict adherence to laid down rules and hierarchy. In essence it has limited the role administration to that of a fire fighter or overseer of law and order in the comfort of laid down principals. While, nothing […]
Return on Investment is a popular analytical tool which is used to measure the benefits relative to the cost. There is an ongoing debate in the business world on which is better – co-located or virtual teams. Though there is no black and white answer to this question. But the key lies in carefully assessing the business situation and matching the right type of team. Applying ROI to the virtual team context is a challenge because it is not possible to assign monetary values to each of the benefit and cost factors. For the purpose of this discussion we have identified certain relevant costs and benefits factors of virtual teams as well as we have considered backward-looking or retrospective ROI which measures the value of the impact of team’s activities once completed.
Keeping in mind the current hyper-competitive market, it is impractical to solely rely on either co-located or virtual teams for doing the work entirely. On the actual grounds, organizations divide the work wherein some part is done by co-located members and some of it by virtual team members. This helps them to enjoy the easy & faster coordination of co-located teams as well as innovation & best practices learning from virtual members. ROI measurement comes as a handy tool for leaders and managers to take decisions related to alignment of team outputs with strategic intent as well as allocate resources accordingly to reap maximum benefits.
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