Changing Organizational Culture
February 12, 2025
When individuals with similar interest, attitude, and taste come together to work for a common objective, a team is formed. Every individual contributes equally and performs his level best to meet the team targets and achieve the organization’s goal. Team members strive hard to live up to the expectations of others and successfully accomplish the […]
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Introduction to Organizational Communication Organizational communication as a field has grown immensely in scope and depth over the last few decades. Concomitant with the rise of the corporation and the managerial way of doing business, it has become the norm for management theorists to define how, what and why an organization should be the way […]
Abraham Maslow is well renowned for proposing the Hierarchy of Needs Theory in 1943. This theory is a classical depiction of human motivation. This theory is based on the assumption that there is a hierarchy of five needs within each individual. The urgency of these needs varies. These five needs are as follows- Physiological needs- […]
Multinational organizations have become extremely powerful entities in the 21st century. There are many companies which have business interests that are spread across hundreds of countries. Given the global nature of such companies, it is only rational for some of these companies to want a global insurance provider. These companies want to standardize the insurance […]
The ideologies, principles, rules and policies of an organization form its culture. The ways the employees interact amongst themselves and with others outside the organization contribute to the culture of the workplace. The culture gives an identity to the organization and makes it distinct from others.
Communication and relationship play an important role in a healthy organization culture.
Effective communication is essential for a positive culture at the workplace. Transparency in communication is mandatory at all levels for better understanding of work and better bonding among individuals.
Culture is simply the result of the interaction amongst the employees working for a considerable period of time in the organization. A better employee relation promotes a positive culture whereas conflicts and disagreements spoil the ambience and spread negativity all around at the workplace.
Communication plays an important role in increasing the comfort factor amongst the employees and eventually a healthy culture at the workplace.
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