Cultural Levels and Business
February 12, 2025
Maybe you read the article that was shared on Facebook that said “10 best places to visit this summer” and maybe that article ended up influencing your choice for summer vacation destination. You may have thought that this article was written by a user or a travel enthusiast that wanted to share their experience. In […]
Designing Supply Chain Network for each industry or business involves arriving at a satisfactory design framework taking into all elements like product, market, process, technology, costs, external environment and factors and their impact besides evaluating alternate scenarios suiting your specific business requirements. No two supply chain designs can be the same. The network design will […]
In this interconnected and integrated business landscape, aspiring leaders would be well advise to follow the simple rule that their organization is as strong as the weakest link and hence, they must ensure that all parts of the complex supply chain that make up their organization are equally strong. We can explain this by use […]
In the previous article, we have already studied about the concept of reinsurance sidecars. We now know what reinsurance sidecars are and how they are structured. We know why insurance sidecars have revolutionized the reinsurance industry. However, it is equally important to know what are the pros and cons of reinsurance sidecars so that a […]
The concept of in-store automation is increasingly becoming popular in the retail sector. In the previous articles, we have already seen what in store automation is. We are now also aware of the various advantages which result from in store automation. However, it would be incorrect to assume that in store automation does not have […]
The sale of products to the customers from a fixed location (malls, department stores, super markets and so on) in small quantities for their end use is called as retailing.
Coupons play an important role in promoting the retail stores and making the brand popular amongst the masses.
Any document which can be presented to the retailer to gain some kind of financial benefit in the form of discount on any product is called a coupon. Customers can get the coupons redeemed at the specific retail outlets to avail relevant discounts and rebates in shopping.
The concept of promoting products and brands on an extremely low budget is called as Guerrilla Marketing. Guerrilla marketing does not involve huge investments and is one of the most effective ways of creating brand awareness amongst the consumers.
Coupons are an effective tool for Guerrilla Marketing. The retailers can actually create brand awareness amongst the end users without spending much with the help of coupons.
Example - As a part of their marketing strategy, on every purchase of Domino’s pizza, the company offers discount coupons to the buyers. These discount coupons can be availed next time the customer places his order.
In such a situation, it is more likely that he would visit a Domino’s Outlet again to redeem his coupons and avail the discounts on the pizza. He would generally not prefer any other outlet as here in Domino’s he can get pizza at a lesser price as compared to others.
Dominos in this case used food coupons to attract the customers once again into the store.
Any unplanned buying is called as Impulse Buying. An individual might not require a particular product but picks it up out of mere emotions and feelings. Such a buying is called impulse buying. Impulse buying prompts the customer to purchase products which he might not even need that time.
Peter went to a retail store to redeem his discount coupons on shirts. The retailer had smartly displayed perfumes near the cash counter. While paying the bill, Peter could not resist purchasing two perfumes for himself along with the shirts. An example of Impulse Buying.
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