Common Threats to an Organization
February 12, 2025
Having goals or a clear purpose is important to each of us. In fact, people who set goals are always more successful than the others. For leaders who are serious about setting goals, some things are to be kept in mind. These goals need to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and with Timelines. Besides, for […]
The dissimilarity in the ideas and opinions of individuals result in a conflict. One needs to adjust with each other to some extent to avoid conflicts and better relations. Conflicts and fights must be prevented to avoid its adverse consequences like stress, anxiety and unnecessary tensions. Communication has a big role to play in conflict […]
Employees are the backbone of every organization. They play a crucial role in controlling and also reducing the threats to organization. The major threat to an organization is a non serious employee who attends office just for the sake of it. Individuals need to love their organization for them to deliver their level best. The […]
The transmission of information from the sender to the recipient through some medium is called as communication. Communication enables us to know what is happening around us. It helps us to share our knowledge with others and also gain from other individual’s thoughts and ideas. Communication takes place through various routes and channels and with […]
A strong association between individuals sharing similar interest and goal is called as interpersonal relationship. It is important to have trustworthy colleagues around at the workplace. One needs to know how to interact with fellow workers. Let us go through some interpersonal skills an individual needs to inculcate for a healthy relationship with coworkers. Stay […]
Organizational structure is the driving force behind the performance and growth of the organization.
For an organization to achieve success and competitive advantage, it is highly important that there should be complete alignment between the organizational structure and the strategic goals of the organization.
A properly coordinated organizational structure improves the flow of information and communication within the organisation.
Generally, changes in different aspects like political, cultural, competitive, market, technologies, business requirements, resources, regulations, business goals, organic growth, leadership changes, mergers and acquisitions, etc. may trigger the need to redesign the structure of the organization.
The organization’s structure should fit properly with the changing needs and objectives of the organization, and the market conditions as well, to maintain its efficiency in the long run.
An obsolete organizational structure results in:
Therefore, for an organization it is very important to revise and update its structure to maintain its purpose and functionality. Further, redesigning organizational structure helps in improving internal processes and employee engagement, thereby, favourably affecting the financial performance and competitive position of the organization.
Organisational structure redesigning involves alignment of the organizational structure to the business strategies by providing appropriately redesigned model for the existing structure, implementing the new structure, and necessary strategies for downsizing or related changes in the structure.
An HR Consulting Firm can diligently perform the task of analyzing and redesigning the structure of the organisation in accordance with the strategic goals, objectives and mission of the organization.
While performing the task of organizational structuring, HR Consultants should consider following issues:
The process of organizational structuring involves following comprehensive stages:
Thus, HR Consultants can facilitate in the development and designing of an effective organizational structure which optimizes the resource utilization and promotes growth of the organization.
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