Surviving the Corporate Jungle and Winning the Power Game
February 12, 2025
Personality development plays a crucial role in enhancing one’s personality. It helps an individual to develop a positive attitude and look at the brighter sides of life. Personality development plays an imperative role at workplace as it decides the way an individual interacts with his fellow workers and responds to various situations. How an individual […]
There are some tasks which can’t be done alone. Individuals need to come together, discuss things among themselves and work together towards the realization of a common goal. The individuals forming a team should ideally think more or less on the same lines and should have similar interests and objective. People with absolutely different tastes […]
Personality refers to an individual’s way of interacting with people around; his behavior towards others, attitude, thought process and way of perceiving things. It is the personality of an individual which makes him/her unique and stand apart from the rest. Let us now understand the meaning of Personality disorders Personality disorders refer to certain abnormalities […]
Introduction Leadership is both an art and a science. For actualizing effective and efficacious leadership, leaders must first articulate a vision, lay down a mission, communicate the vision and the mission to all the relevant stakeholders, implement the same, and ensure that feedback is sought and incorporated for the next iteration. Further, leadership is situational […]
Informal observation of leadership behavior suggests that leader’s action is not the same towards all subordinates. The importance of potential differences in this respect is brought into sharp focus by Graen’s leader-member exchange model, also known as the vertical dyad linkage theory. The theory views leadership as consisting of a number of dyadic relationships linking […]
Employees indulge in politics to make their position secure at the workplace and spoil the reputation of their fellow workers. Individuals play politics for instant fame, recognition and to achieve something beyond their control in a short span of time.
An organization is at loss when its employees play dirty politics. Individuals find it extremely difficult to concentrate on their work in a politically driven organization.
Management plays an important role in avoiding politics at the workplace:
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