Myths of Business Ethics
February 12, 2025
In the previous articles, we have already studied about the concept of reinsurance. However, the reinsurance we have studied is a contract between two independent parties. This means that a ceding insurance company often transfers the risk to an external third-party reinsurance service provider. The risk actually moves out of the balance sheet of the […]
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Management plays an essential role in inculcating workplace ethics in employees. Bosses need to set an example for their subordinates. You need to come on time if you expect your team members to reach office on time.
Management needs to act as a source of inspiration for the employees. It is generally observed that team managers, leaders influence their team members to a large extent. Superiors strictly need to adhere to the rules and regulations of the organization for their employees to follow the same.
Remember, you have no rights to scold your subordinates if you yourself are at fault. Moreover no one would bother to listen to you as well. Don’t expect your team members to sit till late if you yourself leave early.
It is the role of the management to motivate the employees and guide them as to what is right and wrong.
A Boss is like the captain of the ship. It is your responsibility to take your team members along and provide constant mentoring. Rebuking is not the only solution. If you know one of your team members is meeting his girlfriend during office hours, do you feel insulting or criticizing in front of others would help? NO. Call him to your cabin or speak to him in private and make him realize that it is not morally correct to bunk office. You need to counsel him and make him understand his mistake politely. Trust me, being rude would make the situation more worse. Do not discuss the matter in front of others. The other person might not like it. Your job is to make the other person feel guilty and realize that indeed he has done something wrong. Believe me; he would never repeat his mistake.
Constant communication between the management and employees is of utmost importance in inculcating workplace ethics. Management ought to be transparent with its employees. Let them have a say in company’s decisions. Let them decide what is right and what is wrong for them. Sit with them, discuss, brainstorm ideas and listen to what they have to say. Never ignore their opinions. Let them come out with their grievances.
Lend a sympathetic ear to their problems as well. Try to provide them a solution. If you feel most of your employees have a problem coming to office early as they in any case have to stay back till late in the evening as per the client’s availability, please adjust the office timings accordingly. How can you expect your employees to reach office sharp at 8 AM when they are leaving for the day at 10 PM.
Rules and regulations should not act as a hindrance in their performance. Be realistic and logical. If the problem is genuine and faced by a major chunk of employees, there is no harm in changing the policies. Think from the employee’s perspective as well. Policies should not be too rigid.
Don’t be too strict with the employees. If someone is not present in the office, please do not call his family members to enquire about him. No one would like it. We all are mature professionals to understand that if there is work, we need to finish it first rather than waste our time in gossiping and surfing social networking sites.
Management can’t force employees to respect the organization. Respect must be commanded and not demanded. Respect your employees if you expect the same in return.
Some organizations do not easily release their employees. Remember, you cannot stop an individual from changing his job if he/she has already decided to move on. Try to convince him once and if he/she is still not willing to continue, let him go. Employees depend on fake relieving letters, experience certificates when they do not get it from their previous organization on time.
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