Types of Managerial Communication
February 12, 2025
The dissimilarity in the ideas and opinions of individuals result in a conflict. One needs to adjust with each other to some extent to avoid conflicts and better relations. Conflicts and fights must be prevented to avoid its adverse consequences like stress, anxiety and unnecessary tensions. Communication has a big role to play in conflict […]
The entire subject of risk management is based on the ability of the manager to identify, value, and then mitigate the correct risks. Classification of risks is a vital step in this process. It is important to realize that there is no standard framework for classifying risks. Different people use different frameworks. One such framework […]
The process of sensation involves transmission of information to the brain by the sensory receptors like nose, eyes, ears, mouth and skin. Sensation and perception though are related, but are considered to be as distinct processes. In case of sensation, sensory receptors play a key role in transmitting the inputs to the brains by converting […]
Organizational structure is the driving force behind the performance and growth of the organization. For an organization to achieve success and competitive advantage, it is highly important that there should be complete alignment between the organizational structure and the strategic goals of the organization. A properly coordinated organizational structure improves the flow of information and […]
Conflict is an inevitable characteristic of all work teams. Considering the complex dynamics of virtual teams, understanding and managing conflict becomes a big challenge. Conflict can be both – constructive and destructive. When members of the team present different viewpoints about a task and positively contribute to decision making, it leads to constructive conflict. Destructive […]
Communication in true sense is the lifeline of every organization. Individuals irrespective of their designation and level in the hierarchy need to communicate with each other for accomplishment of work within the stipulated time frame and also for better relationships at workplace. Half of the problems disappear when discussed. It is really essential for people to come out with their ideas and strategies.
Let us go through the role of managerial communication at workplace:
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