Types of Managerial Communication
February 12, 2025
Unlike male leaders, the reference point for a good leadership has been inadequately defined for women leaders. The traditional and concretely defined gender roles in the society have also influenced the research and findings on women leadership, a role, which is divorced from the stereotype roles identified for women. So, it becomes rather challenging for […]
The MeToo movement has caused ripples across the entire world. The fact that some of the most prominent and powerful men in the world are harassing their female colleagues has been a shocking revelation to many. It has also opened the potential for many lawsuits. Companies that continue to keep accused on their payroll are […]
What is Leadership by Optics and Perception Management and the Leaders excelling at it? In times when media is so predominant and overweening as far as setting the agenda for leaders and for almost everyone are concerned, it is very tempting, indeed irresistible for leaders to forego the temptation to manage the headlines on a […]
Negotiation is nothing but a discussion among individuals to find out an alternative which takes into account the interest of all and nobody is at loss. In a win- win negotiation people try their level best to come to a solution where every one is benefited and no body is at loss. Negotiation is essential […]
Conflict has never benefitted anyone, instead it adds to one’s tensions and anxiety. It is better to discuss things and reach to an alternative benefitting all. Issues must not be dragged unnecessarily and efforts must be made to come to a conclusion involving the interests of all. No point in being adamant and rigid. One […]
Communication in true sense is the lifeline of every organization. Individuals irrespective of their designation and level in the hierarchy need to communicate with each other for accomplishment of work within the stipulated time frame and also for better relationships at workplace. Half of the problems disappear when discussed. It is really essential for people to come out with their ideas and strategies.
Let us go through the role of managerial communication at workplace:
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