Communication Skills and Personality Development
February 12, 2025
Let us first go through a simple real life situation. John was working as a key accounts head with a leading advertising firm. He had four members reporting to him. Unfortunately he always under estimated his team members and fought with them constantly. He could never trust them and always thought they were incapable of […]
Introduction Leadership is both an art and a science. For actualizing effective and efficacious leadership, leaders must first articulate a vision, lay down a mission, communicate the vision and the mission to all the relevant stakeholders, implement the same, and ensure that feedback is sought and incorporated for the next iteration. Further, leadership is situational […]
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The process of enhancing one’s personality refers to personality development. An impressive personality helps an individual to make a mark of his/her own and also stand apart from the crowd.
Personality development plays an essential role in reducing stress and conflicts not only at the workplace but also at homes and our personal lives. Personality development teaches an individual to smile even at the times of crisis or unwanted circumstances.
Flashing your trillion dollar smile not only makes you look good but also makes you popular among other people. A negative statement, if delivered with a smile does not hurt much. Individuals who spend maximum part of the day striving hard to accomplish goals and objectives of organization sometimes even forget to smile. No organization pays you for free. Every manager expects his team members to deliver their level best.
Individuals who have to work really hard to earn their bread and butter are often under stress. They seldom enjoy their lives and eventually lose interest in whatever they do. People respond to stress differently. Personality development sessions help individuals deal with stress in a mature way. Never adopt a negative attitude in life. Trust me, it will lead you nowhere. There is absolutely no point crying over spilt milk. Remember “after every dark night comes a bright morning.”
Never crib over petty issues, rather learn to fight tough times with courage and a smile. Negative people always have a negative answer for every question. Try to look at the brighter sides of life. Personality development trainings help you see life from a broader perspective.
A positive attitude goes a long way in reducing stress and making the world a better place to live. Personality development prepares an individual for even the worst situations and helps him deal with adverse situations sensibly. Every problem has a solution. You just need to be patient enough to find an appropriate solution to the problem. Never lose your cool as it will land you in deeper troubles later on.
Do not spread unnecessary rumours about anyone, be it your manager, fellow workers or anyone else within the system. Conflicts arise when people backstab each other and spread baseless stories. One should learn to mind his/her own business. Do not interfere much into anyone else’s personal life. How would you feel if someone else shows too much interest in your personal life? Obviously one would feel bad and irritated. Avoid criticizing others.
Personality development plays an imperative role in strengthening the relationship among individuals. Be polite to everyone. Respect your fellow workers at workplace. You have no rights to hurt or make fun of any individual irrespective of his/her income, family background, designation or level in the hierarchy. Readily help others. This way people will speak high of you even in your absence. You need to respect others to gain respect in return. Be a little flexible and broad minded.
Conflicts also arise when individuals carry their ego and personal grudges to work. There is absolutely no place for ego at workplaces. You just can’t afford to be rude with your team members just because you had a fight with your girlfriend previous night.
Learn to be a good human being. Personality development not only develops and enhances your outer self but also inner self. Do not try to create problems unnecessarily. You need to be a little adjusting to reduce stress and avoid conflicts.
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