Cultural Influences on Financial Decisions
February 12, 2025
Nickel Shortage During the 1970’s, nickel was in extremely short supply in the world. This is because Canada was the largest supplier of nickel and there were certain supply issues with the Canadian nickel. On the other hand, the demand for nickel was booming given the Vietnam War which was underway. Therefore, as a result […]
What if you could attract your competitor’s best employee for few extra bucks? Sounds easier than done! Attracting high-worth individuals from the competitors is not everyone’s cup of tea. Targeting them and finally hiring them is the test of your competencies experience, personal traits and brain application. This is where the strategic approach plays an […]
Companies are looking forward to moving away from the conventional supply chain and moving towards value network. In a value network traditional supplier-wholesaler-retailer are considered as partners rather than as a customer. Companies designing marketing channel under the value network principle need to understand the players, role and their importance. Retailing The act through which […]
Are Indian Start-ups and eCommerce Firms Living in Fantasy Land? It is a well known fact that India is a favourite destination for yield hungry investors and angel investors keen to fund start-ups and eCommerce firms in the hope that they would be able to garner significant profits at a later stage. Indeed, India is […]
As mentioned earlier, investment banks have been in operation for several years now. This is the reason why, for many years, they have been involved with almost any deal which includes large sums of money. The operations of investment banks have become very diverse over the years. This is the reason that investment banks are […]
A portfolio manager is one who helps an individual invest in the best available investment plans for guaranteed returns in the future.
Let us go through some roles and responsibilities of a Portfolio manager:
Investment is essential for every earning individual. One must keep aside some amount of his/her income for tough times. Unavoidable circumstances might arise anytime and one needs to have sufficient funds to overcome the same.
It is essential for the portfolio manager to first analyze the background of his client. Know an individual’s earnings and his capacity to invest. Sit with your client and understand his financial needs and requirement.
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