Role of Supervisors in Relationship Building

Before we begin this article let me first ask you a question. What is the role of a team leader or manager at the workplace? What are his roles and responsibilities? Is it just to sit in closed cabins and pass on instructions to subordinates or is it something more?

Remember, a team manager’s role is not just to sit on his/her team member’s head and do absolutely nothing. You have been appointed as a team leader because your organization feels you can handle your team members well and motivate them to perform their level best.

As a manager, you need to know how to take your team along and resolve conflicts at the earliest. Don’t allow team members to backstab and find faults in each other. Misunderstandings among employees might arise at any point of time but as a supervisor it is your duty to make employees sit, talk, discuss and sort out issues.

You need to motivate your team members to adopt the middle path. Make them understand that it is always wise to brainstorm and reach to mutually beneficial ideas. Don’t ignore even the minutest problem. It might lead to a major issues later on.

In case of conflicts, intervene immediately. Avoid taking sides at the workplace. Do not scold the employee at fault in front of the other employees. It would demotivate him and make you his biggest enemy. Take him to the conference room or your cabin and make him/her realize his/her mistakes in private.

It is the team manager’s responsibility to motivate individuals to work in teams. Let employees interact with each other. Give them space and time. Some bosses have the habit of discussing business at the lunch table. Never do that.

Let employees discuss things apart from work. Let them discuss movies, Facebook, girlfriends, husbands and for that matter anything they like. This would bring them closer to each other. And yes, as a Boss you need to understand that some employees feel hesitant to talk and discuss in front of their superiors. Once in a while purposely skip having lunch with your team members. Let them enjoy amongst themselves.

Give them targets and deadlines and ask them to work as a team and deliver results within the stipulated time frame. Take them out for small get togethers, lunches, picnics or small trips. Also ask them to bring their family members as well.

Ask them to take the initiative and organize the annual office event or for that matter the annual sales meet. You would be surprised to see individuals working together, taking each other’s help, discussing ideas and come up with best possible and innovative solutions. Give them the charge and interfere only when needed.

Be transparent with your team members. Team strategies and office policies applicable to all ought to be discussed in front of everyone, rather than discussing inside closed cabins. If any employee has performed exceptionally well, appreciate him/her in front of others.

Rather than demotivating the employee who has not performed as per your expectations, sit with him/her and discuss as to where he/she needs your mentoring and guidance. As a team manager, it is your responsibility to hand hold your team members and guide them whenever required.

Initiate the concept of morning or evening meetings at the workplace. Do not keep it too formal, else employees would never open up. Let them come out with their grievances. If they have problem with someone, let them discuss and sort it out.

Motivate them to develop a positive attitude at the workplace. Encourage them to respect and trust each other. Believe me, strengthening relationship among employees will not only increase your team’s output but also bring you in their good books.

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