Functions of a Supervisor
February 12, 2025
There are a few guidelines in form of principles which can be a help to the manager to process of delegation. The principles of delegation are as follows: – Principle of result excepted This principle suggests that every manager before delegating the powers to the subordinate should be able to clearly define the goals as […]
Controlling as a management function involves following steps: Establishment of standards- Standards are the plans or the targets which have to be achieved in the course of business function. They can also be called as the criterions for judging the performance. Standards generally are classified into two- Measurable or tangible – Those standards which can […]
Line and staff organization is a modification of line organization and it is more complex than line organization. According to this administrative organization, specialized and supportive activities are attached to the line of command by appointing staff supervisors and staff specialists who are attached to the line authority. The power of command always remains with […]
Specialization – Organizational structure is a network of relationships in which the work is divided into units and departments. This division of work is helping in bringing specialization in various activities of concern. Well defined jobs – Organizational structure helps in putting right men on right job which can be done by selecting people for […]
Planning facilitates management by objectives. Planning begins with determination of objectives. It highlights the purposes for which various activities are to be undertaken. In fact, it makes objectives more clear and specific. Planning helps in focusing the attention of employees on the objectives or goals of enterprise. Without planning an organization has no guide. Planning […]
Supervisor has got an important role to play in factory management. Supervision means overseeing the subordinates at work at the factory level.
The supervisor is a part of the management team and he holds the designation of first line managers. He/She is a person who has to perform many functions which helps in achieving productivity.
Therefore, supervisor can be called as the only manager who has an important role at execution level. There are certain philosophers who call supervisors as workers. There are yet some more philosophers who call them as managers. But actually he should be called as a manager or operative manager. His primary job is to manage the workers at operative level of management.
A supervisor plays multiplinary role at one time like -
Therefore, we can say that effective and efficient supervision helps in serving better work performance, building good human relations, creating a congenial and co-operative environment. This all helps in increasing productivity.
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