Corporate Corruption and the HRM Function: Legal, Ethical, and Moral Perspectives
February 12, 2025
Introduction Managing employee performance is one of the key drivers for organizational success in the present context of firms trying to adopt a resource centered view of the organizational. We have seen elsewhere that integrating HRM practices with those of organizational goals and strategy increases the competitive advantages for the firm. Similarly, managing employee performance […]
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In recent years, many Information Technology and Software firms in the Silicon Valley area have been implementing innovative Human Resources (HR) policies that are aimed at creating an engaging workplace culture and actualizing a work environment that is fulfilling and rewarding. Starting with flexible work and employment arrangements and including, among other measures such as […]
Human resources are undoubtedly the key resources in an organization, the easiest and the most difficult to manage!
The objectives of the HRM span right from the manpower needs assessment to management and retention of the same. To this effect Human resource management is responsible for effective designing and implementation of various policies, procedures and programs.
It is all about developing and managing knowledge, skills, creativity, aptitude and talent and using them optimally.
Human Resource Management is not just limited to manage and optimally exploit human intellect.
It also focuses on managing physical and emotional capital of employees. Considering the intricacies involved, the scope of HRM is widening with every passing day.
It covers but is not limited to HR planning, hiring (recruitment and selection), training and development, payroll management, rewards and recognitions, Industrial relations, grievance handling, legal procedures etc.
In other words, we can say that it’s about developing and managing harmonious relationships at workplace and striking a balance between organizational goals and individual goals.
The scope of HRM is extensive and far-reaching. Therefore, it is very difficult to define it concisely. However, we may classify the same under following heads:
The overall objective here is to ascertain individual growth, development and effectiveness which indirectly contribute to organizational development.
It also includes performance appraisal, developing new skills, disbursement of wages, incentives, allowances, traveling policies and procedures and other related courses of actions.
It also covers appointment of safety officers, making the environment worth working, eliminating workplace hazards, support by top management, job safety, safeguarding machinery, cleanliness, proper ventilation and lighting, sanitation, medical care, sickness benefits, employment injury benefits, personal injury benefits, maternity benefits, unemployment benefits and family benefits.
It also relates to supervision, employee counseling, establishing harmonious relationships with employees, education and training. Employee welfare is about determining employees’ real needs and fulfilling them with active participation of both management and employees.
In addition to this, it also takes care of canteen facilities, creches, rest and lunch rooms, housing, transport, medical assistance, education, health and safety, recreation facilities, etc.
It is the art and science of understanding the employment (union-management) relations, joint consultation, disciplinary procedures, solving problems with mutual efforts, understanding human behavior and maintaining work relations, collective bargaining and settlement of disputes.
The main aim is to safeguarding the interest of employees by securing the highest level of understanding to the extent that does not leave a negative impact on organization.
It is about establishing, growing and promoting industrial democracy to safeguard the interests of both employees and management.
The scope of HRM is extremely wide, thus, can not be written concisely. However, for the sake of convenience and developing understanding about the subject, we divide it in three categories mentioned above.
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