Conjoint Analysis – Meaning, Usage and its Limitations
February 12, 2025
Strategic brand management’s goal is to develop strong consumer based brand equity. To reach these goal companies have to design and execute well thought marketing programs. However, task does not end at executing marketing programs, companies to have to construct brand equity measurement system to understand the impact of on consumer mind. One thing to […]
E-commerce has taken many companies across the world by storm. Giants like and Amazon have been created in the past few years thanks to the sudden boom in the e-commerce industry. Alibaba and Amazon are both similar in the sense that they are websites where people buy and sell products, i.e. e-commerce portals. However, […]
Introduction The macroeconomic environment that Starbucks operates in is characterized by the ongoing global economic recession, which has dented the purchasing power of the consumers. However, market research done in the last few months has indicated that consumers have not cut down on their coffee consumption and instead, are shifting to lower priced options. This […]
In current times every company is wanting to be a global player, some companies this out of compulsion, for some its natural extension, whatever the case companies need to have marketing programs, which can create and sustain brand equity across geographical boundaries and market segments. However, before studying the global view for marketing strategies, it […]
Selling and Marketing is no longer the same what it used to be few decades ago. Traditional methods of sales and promotions have long been relegated to history. Technology, Internet as well as globalization have redefined every aspect of Marketing and Sales. Organizations have realised the importance of being in tune with the markets and […]
Secondary data is the data that have been already collected by and readily available from other sources. Such data are cheaper and more quickly obtainable than the primary data and also may be available when primary data can not be obtained at all.
Before 5 Years | After 5 Years |
2500-5000 | 5000-6000 |
5001-7500 | 6001-7000 |
7500-10000 | 7001-10000 |
Because of the above mentioned disadvantages of secondary data, we will lead to evaluation of secondary data. Evaluation means the following four requirements must be satisfied:-
Robert W Joselyn has classified the above discussion into eight steps. These eight steps are sub classified into three categories. He has given a detailed procedure for evaluating secondary data.
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