Cognitive Psychology
February 12, 2025
Good manners come into play in every walk of life. It is essential for an individual to behave sensibly for him to find his place in the society. There is a huge difference between one’s college and professional life. An individual needs to behave decently at the workplace. Avoid being casual at work. Remember your […]
A good quality resume is a prime tool to apply for a job and what to do when you have no work experience to show? You don’t have to panic as everyone has to start from somewhere. A fresh college graduate out of college and looking for a suitable job will of course not have […]
An idea however brilliant and unique it is, is a waste unless and until it is communicated and shared with the world. Others must know what you are thinking to give you the credit for your unique idea and to gain from it as well. No one can get into our brain and check the […]
The world has been in economic turmoil for the past century. One crisis after other has struck in different parts of the world. This is happening simultaneously with growing emphasis on economic education. Universities and schools all over the world are devoting more resources and manpower to economics than they have ever done before. Yet […]
The work culture represents the ideologies, principles, policies and beliefs of the organization. The individual’s style of working, his behaviour and ways of interaction also contribute to the culture of the organization. There are several reasons which lead to a change in the organization culture. Change in management, poor financial conditions, revisions in goals and […]
The process of sensation involves transmission of information to the brain by the sensory receptors like nose, eyes, ears, mouth and skin. Sensation and perception though are related, but are considered to be as distinct processes. In case of sensation, sensory receptors play a key role in transmitting the inputs to the brains by converting these inputs to neural impulses. Perception is the process by way of which the brain in the light of past experiences, memory and learning selects and interprets sensations. Perception of the same senses will vary from person to person because of the differences in individual’s memory, learning, expectations and emotions.
Humans have five key senses like sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. Apart from these five senses, these day scientists have equally acknowledged the importance of the other two senses, vestibular senses and kinaesthesia. Kinaesthesia is about body awareness, whereas vestibular senses help us detecting gravity, linear or rotary acceleration (such as speeding up or slowing down in a straight or a curved road). In a way, both Kinaesthesia and Vestibular senses help us in balancing.
In the process of sensation, sensory receptors help in the conversion of the energy into neural impulses. The neural impulses on reaching the cerebral cortex of the brain, act as small microprocessors as a result of which sensation and perceptual process takes place.
Threshold establishes or sets forth the minimum level for any event to take place. In psychophysics or neuroscience, the sensory threshold can be of various types.
Various factors influence sensory absolute threshold stimulus sensory adaptation and individual expectations or motivation (cognitive processes).
Sensory Adaptation: Sensory adaptation takes place when the sensory receptors are no longer being able to perceive the stimulus because of the continuous contact of our senses with the stimulus.
For example, if you dip your finger in a bowl filled with warm water, after some while you will no longer will be able to feel that much warmth as your senses have adapted with the stimulus.
Sensory adaptation can take place with any of our senses just like thresholds. It is also called as neural adaptation and can be explained as a gradual reduction or a fall in the sensory response because of the repeated exposure of a particular stimulus over a period of time. This change can be both positive and negative and does not necessarily involve ignoring of the stimulus completely.
One more example for explaining the sensory adaptation process could be, we no longer feel the clothes once we are dressed or forget the sounds of TV or radio while focusing on some pressing or important work.
Sensitization: On the other hand, the process of sensitization can be described as a gradual increase in the behavioural response over a period of time due to the regular exposure of a given stimulus. Contrary to sensory adaptation process, in which the exposure of a given stimulus is required in large volume for deriving a proper response or a change in the behaviour to take place, in case of sensitization, the stimulus is required in small quantity for eliciting a response or a significant behavioural change.
Cognitive Processes: A person’s motivation or expectation equally plays a deciding role whether a stimulus can be recognized or perceived at a minimum threshold level.
Sensory adaptation and sensitization are an integral aspect of the life and personality. We come across many forms of stimuli on a day to day basis in our life, some of which is recognized and perceived, while some we gradually forget or ignore which may include some specific sounds, smell or image exposures.
Just Noticeable Difference is the minimum possible change in the sensory stimulus required by a person to recognize that the change has taken place. It is the smallest recognizable difference between the start and the secondary level of the stimulus.
It is also known as the differential threshold or difference limen. Differential threshold was first explained by experimental psychologist and physiologist Ernst Weber and the concept was further expanded by Gustav Fechner.
JND applies to a variety of senses like hearing, smell, sight, taste and touching. It can also be applied to diverse situations or things like noisiness, brightness, weight, sweetness, pressure, etc.
It is equally important not to treat Just Noticeable Difference and Absolute Threshold as similar concepts. Differential Threshold explains the perceivable difference in the stimulus exposure, while Absolute Threshold focuses on the smallest detectable stimulation. The absolute threshold in case of sound will be the lowest sound volume that a person will be able to detect. On the other hand, Just Noticeable difference will be the change in the volume of sound which a person will be able to detect or recognize.
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