Curious Observation – First Step in Decision Making Process
February 12, 2025
What is Leadership by Optics and Perception Management and the Leaders excelling at it? In times when media is so predominant and overweening as far as setting the agenda for leaders and for almost everyone are concerned, it is very tempting, indeed irresistible for leaders to forego the temptation to manage the headlines on a […]
Infrastructure projects continue for a long period of time. Sometimes these projects continue for decades. Hence, they need long term finance. On the other hand, there are entities such as insurance companies and pension funds which are looking to invest their money for long periods of time. Ideally, insurance companies and pension funds should be […]
Is Something Wrong with the Millennials/Gen Zers, Slacking Out of The Workforce Anybody who is somebody would have heard of The Great Resignation, the trend of American and Canadian Millennials and Gen Zers quitting their jobs en masse for no apparent reason, other than to make a “statement”, driven by tech driven viral events. While […]
Why do you think an individual is recruited? Is it because he/she is qualified enough to do justice to a particular role or he/she belongs to the religion you belong? The answer is very simple. Obviously an individual is hired because the company feels that he/she can contribute to his/her level best towards achieving organization […]
Strategic Choice of Electives and Optional Courses Often, students in business schools wonder about the kind of electives and optional courses that they must take. For instance, it is a no-brainer when electives for majoring a particular specialization are concerned. If one wants to specialize in Marketing or Finance, then one must take the electives […]
Once an organization decides to go for Enterprise Risk Management, the challenge is the implementation. At the ground level there are lots of considerations in successful implementation of the same. These considerations vary with the organizations; however the following more or less remain the same:
Successful ERM implementation requires a revamp that may cause the above mentioned to become defensive. There is thus a need for coordinating different departments, educating them and promoting them for more initiative and cooperation.
For example, no one could have thought of risks like the criminal tampering of products in pharmaceutical industry! In risk assessment the challenge is to identify and contemplate of such unthinkable events.
Similarly an operational inefficiency that goes unnoticed for long can lead to production deficit. These are risks that are difficult to estimate in terms of their likelihood and degree of impact. Such risks can be better dealt with qualitative analysis to determine the relative possibility of occurrence.
Capital and reinsurance markets, for example, are not adequate to support an organization in its risk transferring mechanism. These markets need due evolution in terms of products and services with time. In case of operational and strategic risk the transfer mechanism is even more inappropriate.
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